Yeah, sorry about that, I tend to get carried away at times.
Largely a solo project, so while somethings can likely be avoided as it only adds several levels of complexity to allow multiple people to work on the ‘same’ production tasks at once, there would still be some stages were a certain process and workflow are beneficial.
I have already thought about and documented an overall folder structure that I think will mostly work (Naming Conventions and a Production Workflow - #8 by thetony20) but chances are it’s going to need some adjustments as I start to think about it all a bit deeper.
At this stage I’m trying to more look ahead to how it will all work from a more practical point of view, as in the step by step process (the actual Blender commands, etc to click) to make it happen, compared to the usual high level flowcharts or the ‘just bake that out’ solution statement.
So a case in point, what exactly do you mean by that. I’ve had a bit of a play with saving out animation to an Alembic or USD file and then importing that back in to a new file. But how exactly do you bake the animation on the actual rig?