My latest project in my series of DIY-tech; a VR-headset built around the Raspberry Pi.
Enter the world of virtual gameplay with the Stereoscopic Display System. A three-dimensional stereo-emmersive 64-bit video game system based on the powerfull Raspberry Pi.
Terrific work with the materials. The elaboration is amazing. Is it possible to ask you questions about setting up the materials? Would it be too intrusive? Thank you!
What’s not to love about this?
The design, the soft lighting, the mood, the camera angles, the grading, the modeling, and the surfacing are all top-notch!
Up until recently, they were the standard for vr headsets. The idea is that the glass focuses your eyes to infinity so the screen you’re looking at looks infinitely far away instead of just an inch or two away from your eyes. It’s absolutely vital to the hardware functioning as it should. The ridges allows it to focus at more extreme angles without being a thick steep cut of glass. They’ve recently been replaced in newer headset models with pancake lenses; the kind you’d see on cameras. They allow displays to be much closer to the glass and therefore the device to be much much smaller.
I’m fascinated by just how functional this headset looks, actually! This is exactly the kind of gear the scene desperately needs right now lmao. It’s almost depressing it ain’t real.
edit: Aaaagh I cannot get over how fucking sexy the wood looks I want this so bad even though the interface looks like it’d hurt after a bit. This is exactly how I want to see wood and renewable materials used in tech! I don’t wanna exaggerate or blow smoke up your ass but this right here is like a peak into a utopia we’re just not gonna have lmao