Do you believe that aliens exist?

We’ll know after we actually catch one in the telescopes or something.

Besides all the planet hunting in this galaxy is yet to turn one up that can support life, though there’s probably a million planets to go.

I could easily turn this into a religious argument after that comment. But i wont. :stuck_out_tongue:

million? try about 350,000,000,000 in our galaxy alone!

Then think about the fact that there are probably millions of other galaxies.

Yeah, there have to be other life forms. But wether they’re intelligent or close enough to ever reach us nobody can tell.

I’m sure we are not alone in this infinite universe. However, considering the huge time span involved, it could be that other inteligent life forms existed/will exist billions of years ago, or in the future.
The disclosure project is an interesting one, which I too discovered only recently. While I’m not much of a conspiricy theorist, the fact that there are some pretty credible people involved in the disclosure project does carry some weight.
Also, many ancient scripts do have refferences to alien life. It is noteworthy that many of these scripts come from completely different parts of the world, yet mostly have very similar depictions of alien life forms, eg: Incas and ancient Egiptions. I’m almost too scared to expand on this, as it could draw fanatical religious attention, and end this thread…
Then there is directed panspermia, also an interesting read. Whether you believe in alien life or not, it does give one some insight into the overall big picture of life, and how small our human race really is.

Anyway as I would say "an alien or alien object or life is anything UN earthly, so we found Jupiter moon with similar terrain with seas and land and cloud and many other things just got the first view of this recent news report anyhow its not earth so it is alien to me I AM SO BOG SMACKED !Please aliens ant ugly there gotta be better looking or on another level lol.I voted YES, whats impossible!

  • Do they exist? By the amount of stars: yes.

  • Are some of them more intelligent? By the time humans needed to develop compared to cosmological time scale: yes.

  • Have they been / are they on Earth: everything is possible, don’t believe it myself though. But if true, probably not the way Hollywood would like us to believe. :slight_smile:

Well consider we’re only 4 millions years old yeh - and the mass extiction that happened 65 million years ago. What if we were not hit by a massive impact back then and the dinosaurs continued to carry on - would we have developed to the way we are today?

So what if one of tthe so many million planets out there managed to contain life and has been developing for more than say 65 million years (just to put numbers and examples on it) what would their stage of existance be like now - facinating to think about it. Now i’m not saying spacships etc but just life as we know it. Simple existance

although i don’t have the physical evidence - the facts and numbers could only suggest that the universe is booming with life

we are not alone!!!

The problem with ‘intelligence’ (or in this case, the communication of knowledge) is that it isn’t necesary for survival. As you can see, apes are doing fine without any real coöperation, as does every other species. That’s the only reason why I doubt that there’s much intelligent life in this universe, as it isn’t a matter of time a species have to evolve but pure coïncidence that forces a species to socialize and coöperate in order to survive.


*ten chars

Billions of galaxies may not entirely mean that there are millions of other species on other planets.

You’ll know when you find them, the scientists too, who knows how long that will take or whether the searching succeeds. If you find them good for you, get ready for galactic trade like in Star Wars.

Coincidence was my point too. Even here on Earth some freaky things happens although they shouldn’t… weird accidents and so on. My logic doesn’t follow anything else but pure numbers combined with one proof, us. To answer the poll’s question, my logic says yes, no matter how bad the odds are.

Problem here is the scale. I think that there ain’t much of highly intelligent species, but what is ‘much’… maybe much in respect to amount of other planets? There could easily be thousands and thousands of intelligent species, but the scale of distances and the amounts of planets is so enormous that the amount would still be low… when thinking that will we ever meet them and so on.

… and all this even though we haven’t found that many planets yet… awhg… it’s late… and all this thinking… I need my daily dosage of good ol’ Earth-TV and some meaningless soap…

I haven’t had a haircut from a barber for a long time. I cut my own hair.

Oh wait sorry - I derailling this thread.

Ummm yeah I voted for “yes” I believes in alienz.

If they’re more advanced then we are the chances are higher that we’ll get completely assraped by them instead. After all, we’re just wasting resources that they could’ve used.

Do I believe in “aliens”?
Yes. There’s no possible way that they couldn’t, given the size of the universe.

Do I believe that first contact has occurred?

Do I believe that it ever will occur?
Probably not, if Einstien’s theories hold.

On a pint about the intellegence - as i was saying we’ve developed for 4 million years as one of the spiecies on this planet who is self aware.

Now if a planet among the throngs of galaxies out there has managed to sustain life over say even 10 million years - can you imagine what form of intelligence they’re at. as i’m saying - i’m not referring to space ships etc but a form of self awareness and self preservation. This for an artist is mind boggling and very interesting - artistically and mentally.

First contact? as plant person says the laws of physics make it impossible - for our species in anyways to reach even our nearest galaxy! But again who knows??

They will appear over Alabama in a large craft on October 14th 2008 and remain in the skies for 3 days.

Yeh exactly.

The nearest star (Alpha Centauri) is over 4 lightyears away. So traveling at the speed of light (incredibly difficult) would take 4 years non-stop to get there. Then it gets worse, considering in the time dialation effect, both on the trip there and back again, a more than 8 years travelling at the speed of light. Youd return to earth hundreads/thousands of years into the future relative to when u left. :mad:

And thats just for the closest star…

Taking into consideration the odds of life being on a nearby star, it doesnt look good. Anywhere else in the galaxy, or universe, would take an increadable amount of time to reach.

Gah, it sucks… Unless faster than light travel is possible (or wormholes etc), i wouldnt count on ever meeting another form of life. :no:

There is the stasis theory, that says that if the universe has existed long enough, and if life has genesis under a certain set of limited conditions, that with a conceptually infinite universe, there will be a very very large number of those conditions that enable life. There should be many many forms of life and existence in organic form on many planets. If we assume that we are just one example, we see that there are levels of transport and barriers to intergalactic travel that we have not solved, and possibly are not solvable. However, everything (so far) that we have envisioned has been possible, so it is therefore logical to conclude that intergalactic travel will be solved. If you assume that we will solve the issue of intergalactic travel, and that there are a very large number of life pools out there, half older that us, possibly much older and advanced, then you have to assume that at least some of them would have solved the problem as well. Here comes the conundrum. Where are they? One would assume that there would be MULTIPLE sets of species hanging around, in orbit, and that they would be plentiful visitors, coming frequently to say hi. Or, since we have envisioned a policy of non-intervention, perhaps they are out there, but stay well hidden.

In any case, if they decide to take over, I am sure they will figure out a way to bust down a wooden door. Enjoy your freedom while they let us have it.

This goes back to Enrico Fermi who asked the question ‘where are they’ resulting in the Fermi Paradox, that the galaxy should be crowded by life and yet no single shred of real evidence had been found so far.

As one of the attempts to explain the obvious discrepancy, was that there has to be a great filter somewhere during the development of each species, which completely and totally hinders it to develop further. There are some candidates in the history of earth life which could act as one of those filters, in which case we are already incredibly lucky to have gotten past it, since this must be an impossible fact.

But it could also be the case, that this filter is yet to come. If we for instance find evidence of life on mars, some filter candidates from our past were no longer applicable.

So, if the great filter is an explanation of the fermi paradox, we may well hope that we never find any evidence of another life form, because otherwise it would be almost 100% certain, that we as species won’t live long enough to witness it.

So, besides any romantism, I strongly hope that we are alone …