Does anyone have a working ATI OpenGL driver DLL?

Redraw errors and artifacts when I move my cursor. And verts not being redrawn when I select them. I also had the slowdown problem aswell.

Radeon 300XT
1gig ram
Windows XP media center edition

upgraded to the latest catalyst driver aswell last night, but put the old driver in the directory.

i’m a blender newbie, and i was just finding it all but impossible to use, due to massive performance problems when trying to use blender with my laptop…i have 3.2Ghz, 1Gb RAM and an ATI 9600 card…why the probs??

I carried out Neo’s very simple instructions, and now it works a treat, no performance/video probelms at all

thank you very much :smiley:

I’m using the ATI Radeon 9700 mobile and it’s doing great after the fix except for one thing. When I use a background image it gets crappy performance again, but only in the window the background image is in. Is there a best image format to use for background images, does it matter, or am I just screwed?

use a lower resolution background image, or zoom in

I’m not sure why this is a problem though, and I think you’re the first one to mention it here

Is there anyway to fix the artifacts that I get? I also get verts not showing up like they are selected until I move the box and it is redrawn. Not to mention it doesnt run very smoothly. I like blender a lot and I would like to solve this problem.

I even followed neo’s post aswell, and I still get the artifacts.

use a lower resolution background image, or zoom in

I’m not sure why this is a problem though, and I think you’re the first one to mention it here[/quote]

I figured out how to fix the performance issue I was having. I had triple buffering enabled on my graphics card options. I disabled the triple buffering for opengl and now it works great! Woohoo!

atis fireGL shares same problems with radeon
to fix it you must use firegl spesific opengl dll, catalyst ones will crash blender
one that worked for me was openglgl.dll (from firegl driver package ver. 8062)
and it did not work in blender root, i had to replace it in C:\WINDOWS\system32

edit: unfortunately i was wrong, this driver is as bad as the other firegl drivers
still having slowdows.

Happy blendin

Well, I just bought an HP Pavilion zv6005US, a laptop with an ATI Radeon XPress 200M.

I have the most up-to-date drivers from HP, as ati reccomends me get my drivers from hp, not the standard catalyst.

The interface seems to slow down more and more, and blender crashes when I try to place an older ati driver in the blender root.

I really want blender to work on this machine as it is a 64 bit processor and much faster than my desktop machine.

Anyone find a solution for newer cards yet?

i have a decent driver… i use the omega drivers, and it says the gl driver i have is…

atioglxx.dll -
atioglx1.dll -

note: this driver isn’t the same as the normal ati drivers, but it works decently on my card, an ati Radeon 9600 pro.

What problems are you guys talking about? Do you have slowdowns while editing or is it just the rendering wich is to slow?
Im using a mobile Radeon9700. I dont have any slowdonws while edditing but my rendering isn’t faster than it is under linux with no drivers installed :o

Having Problems with OpenGL and PCI???OK, I have found the solution. First I tried every form of PCI driver
and catalyst with absolutly no change. It seems that Microsoft does not
really like OpenGL yet, < they love directX> but I understand that the new Windows version will be much better with OpenGL. The solution is to lower graphics acceleration to one step above the lowest… now blender flies again with no loss of quality. When I am done blending, I just raise the acceleration and then all of the the ATI controls return. O hope that Microsoft and PCI can work it out, but for now this is a quick fix… OH JOY … I CAN BLEND AGAIN.

If i install old ATI Catalyst drivers, will it mess anything up? (screen resolution etc.)

the proper way to install video drivers is to remove the old ones, reboot then install the new ones

this means [at least for a bit] you will be running at 800x600 or 640x480, so the icons on your desktop will move and you will have to set back your display settings [color, resolution, refresh rate, position of the multiple displays…] if they aren’t the defaults

I am on windows XP service pack 2 with
ATI Radeon Xpress 200 series
Driver version
I have tried 16 bit crap nothing helps
my symptoms huge slow down after a couple minutes and trying to rotate the viewport is hell. After using for about 10 minutes I literally haved to click and hold for over a minute for any button to take effect. The menus for trying to save take forever to load, artifacts around the coursor and other slowdown related things. It is awful :frowning:

I’m with strongbad on this one, I am having the same issue and I cant find an older ATI driver like the one suggested. I have the same card you do as well strongbad except my drivers are newer. Any help here would be great guys. With the dll mentioned on page 3 of this post Blender wont start at all, i’ll try uninstalling and reinstalling then adding the new dll. Thanks

Does anyone have suggestions? You guys might recall I had a long thread on this also and I didnt get anything to work. I am not asking just because I havent tried anything.

Well, I tried the OpenGl driver suggested on this post and Blener wont even start with that driver in the specified location so i’m back to square one with Strongbad. I have a post similar to this one titled Performance Issues. Let us know if you guys have any more tips.

My AIW (original Radeon) apparently causes Blender to crash every time. I’ve tried all sorts of atiolgxx.dll files of different versions located in different directories (shouldn’t it be in win32?). Nothing works.

Is there any combination of drivers that works? I’ve found that saying “Catalyst 3.9” isn’t specific enough because there’s “build 5” and who knows what else.

Is there a way of disabling OpenGL hardware accelleration? Or would that be too slow?

I installed the latest Omega drivers to no affect.

But then I noticed After Effects was crashing TOO. (I don’t use it much) So I started uninstalling items to find out if some other driver or software was the culprit.

The culprit: Quicktime Alternative. It is a less-naggy version of the quicktime player and codec. Now that I’m rid of that, I’m running fine.


I’ve got the same problem as Strongbold and Ranger. XP Media center edition, Catalyst 5.13, Blender 2.4. I’ve tried the older version of the opengl driver but it gives the blender unable to start message (don’t quote me on the exact wording). I have posted a ticket with ATI. I didn’t see one in there from anyone else about Blender. If all of you who are having problems with this, log a ticket with them and I bet they’ll take a serious look at the issue. If not, I’m off to buy Nvidia card.