Don Marko

Make him a cowboy… :wink:

hahahaha, no

I’m made one pedestrian.


small test gameplay

i’m started creation new city

Will that city be final or is it just a layout test?

its a final city

looks really nice KEEP it UP!

Then I don’t think you are approaching this project in the right way. It’s better to make every building in a separate .blend and then put them all together in one main .blend. This will make it much easier and you can work faster. :wink:

But that’s just what I would do (did) it, do whatever you think is the best for this project :slight_smile:

Yeah although I do agree with Mirata on some level, you can also make objects in different scenes…Its what im doing.

I agree with Mirata. The city you made can still be useful. Use it as a reference to figure out how many buildings you’ll need and where. Then model each one in a seperate blend an append them in. Line them up where you planned and you’ll have a good looking city. Looks better with every update!

@Mirata its nice idea)im trying

who know how i can do 30fps in game?

What do you mean? 30 fps is half of optimum levels anyways. How many fps are you getting right now? Anything under 30 fps is bad.

i have 60 fps but i want do 30 fps on all game

You could find a setframerate script on the Python index.

isnt 60 a lot better? Pluss when you add more stuff it will go down.

first house