Don Marko

add dirty textures

Hi everone!
I made mini demo of my game.Download and say to me what i can correct.
W + mouse - move
Left shift - sit/stand
Mouse right button - take pistol
MRB + MLB - shoot
esc - quit the game


There’s alot wrong with it. Before I write the rest of my comment and point out the problems, I like to say that I’m not trying to be rude or bash your game. I wouldn’t take the time to write this if I wasn’t trying to help you with it :wink:

The controls are okay, but it feels limited. You should be able to use all of the control buttons (WASD) for movement. There are also bugs in your logic setup. If you walk and press Left shift at the same time, the camera will go down, but the character won’t. If you walk and press RMB at the same time, the gun will apear a couple of inches away from his hand, and he won’t aim. If you sit and press W, the character will keep moving, even though he isn’t animated (if, while sitting and moving around, you stand up, the character loses it’s walk cycle).

  • There are alot more of these.

The character has to much trouble climbing the stairs and he can’t step up the curve.

The camera should be smoother and not this directly fixed behind the character. A good start would be to make the camera a slow-parent and set the offset to about 25. You could also make use of the camera logic brick, but it isn’t perfect. (I always place an empty between the character and the camera, then slow-parent the empty to the character and parent the camera to the empty. Then I add a edit object - track to logic brick to the camera and have it tracked to the character with a delay. This will give a very smooth camera set-up).

The animations aren’t subtle enough. When he stands still, it’s pretty clear that a loop is playing (his left arm swings heavily). Also, your walk cycle is flawed. The foots are sliding and the body movement seems unnatural and to heavy, it needs to be more sublte (understandable, walk cycles are always very hard. I couldn’t do it half as good as you’ve done it ;)). It would also look better if you made more use of blending.

The textures of the body do not match that of the head, there is a very clear seam between them. You can solve this by giving him some kind of necklace, tie or something else.
There are also problems with the anatomy of the protagonist, his head is to wide, the arms aren’t muscled enough for such an upper body and the gap between the legs is to wide.

It takes just a bit to long for him to draw his gun, and when he is aiming, his head covers up nearly 1/3 of the screen. The shooting animation also looks weird.

I advise you to look more at reference images and video’s, especially of human anatomy, people shooting guns, walk cycles and of textures on human models.

I hope this has been helpfull, goodluck with your game :slight_smile:

Cool looking character. :stuck_out_tongue: But his body kinda looks like a girls body. :wink: (Unless, of course, he is a girl.) The edge loop on the middle buttons need to be fattened. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sonic14 ha ha, i was fixed, now he stay a boy

Pistol system have been done

Yeah you should make his shoulders and body broader, and his arms look kinda strange but nice job

Good news, characters control almost done

Great work crask, the animation is a little stiff but it looks good, I really like the way it aims!

I have added one new gun + was started modeling the city

I saw this thread for the first time 10 days ago when you started updating it again. I just wanted to say it looks really good :slight_smile:

interessant,only a little enhance in animation =)