Dragon wip

Good point. (Can’t argue to Odjin about dragons…:D) He’s right- getting the muscle placement from the dinosaur pics is important, but don’t make them as big, because you dragon will be on four legs after all…and flying!

I better hope so… after all I spend quite some time doing my research about dragons ( or rather, about how an animal would have to look like to bear that title from a physics/zoology/biology point of view, no matter if existing or not ). You could though have a look at some herbivores. Most of them are 4 legged and some of them even not of the many-tons-weight fraction. But if I remember correct he never really stated what the dragon is supposed to be in the end. If it’s going to be some sort of over-weight floor-cleaner type with symbolic wings ( kinda like emus ) then having some brawns is not that much off target.

I know of many Dragons who were bipedal, so I don’t get why you claim to be the all-knowing expert on Dragons.

Heck I was on 2 legs during my Dragon life, and we (Dragons overall) were obliterated well before you were born. Just saying, you can’t claim to know what every aspect of a Dragon is because you weren’t around in the right spots 100’s of years ago.

Some I know were quadrupeds, others bipedal.

The Dragon species is diverse I can tell you that, I even heard of Dragons that are furry.

Simple reason: I use scientific methods and “sane reasoning” to deal with this topic and not simple rush in like the majority of wannbe dragons thinking because they believe that “they are a dragon” means that they know 100% for sure what a dragon is. Simply spoke day-dreaming loses in terms of credibility. And to be honest if something like “you” would ever have been a dragon this would have been a big insult to dragonkind in general U_U

EDIT: That said if you deal with dragons in a pure story-telling way you can do what you want. Nothing against bi-pedal in general… Eliot rules. Fur is also no problem… Fuchur ruled too. And even snake-like can be done well… Haku rules too. But all of them are invented and thought up by a person. Neither of them claims to be “real” or “close to real”.

Starblade? Is that you? You’re not going to go all FYIAD on us, are you?

We should change the meaning of this abbreviation for him personally: FU I’m a Dumbass!

I’m an otherkin Dragon like he is, but I don’t even know who the heck he is other then he invented that phrase.


We need to keep a friendly environment on this forum. You aren’t going to look cool for making fun of other people.

Back on topic… I’ve tweaked the ankles a bit and tried to smooth out the feet, but I still don’t think that they look too realistic.


You still don’t have the V-Shape, which is why it looks odd. The outer fingers for example, if you travel back from the claw along the finger you travel “past” the ankle but it has to run straight into it. I would be temped to say, bird like, just without the back-finger and of course with some broadness. The problem here is that it looks more like the foot of Gojira instead of a quadrupedal.

Dragons don’t exist, therefore, it can look like anything in his imagination. Try not to harp on him so much about proper dragon anatomy. There is no proper anatomy for a dragon. Because it doesn’t exist.

That said, the feet are definitely improved. Reduce the gap between the claws unless you are looking to make them webbed.

Dragons existed as the otherkin forums prove, it’s just that we’re a lot more diverse then Odjin would like to think

He ask for why it looks odd and I answered his question. Please don’t attack me without a reason. If you want to make things look right it’s a good idea to take a look at the real world and real animals since the human mind recognizes if something looks “familiar” or not. Don’t throw me into the same bucket as CD since I’m not an asshole like him. Thanks.

Your “otherkin” forum only proves what huge morons exist in this world. So before you know the true meaning of the word “proof” stop using it. Thanks

Krisnack I agree with what Odjin is saying your foot doesn’t represent any foot we know so it looks odd. Most dinosaurs (herbivours) or birds have a four toed foot where three toes are going to the front and one is directed backwards. Now it depends on where you want to go if you want it to look like dinosaurs hind legs you need to adapt if not leave it like it is and just try to make it so the foot can hold the weight that is set upon it.

And to CD and Odjin please stop these fruitless hostile attacks at each other. Odjin you don’t like CD so just put him on your ignore list that way he can’t offend you with his believes (as crazy as they may be) and CD if you are a Otherkin then this seems to be a religiouse believe and since this is a art forum this has nothing to do here so please refrain from spreading your believe or making comments that lean upon this believe.

Has anyone here seen the movie Reign of Fire it has some awesome looking dragons in it and they came up with some cool ideas for the shape and how it breaths fire. If you watch it im sure it will give you some good tips and ideas. If you want your dragon to be a seriously menacing creature then that film will be a great help. It has alot of good shots of the dragons head aswell which will be handy.
As you can see in the image insead of having the four legs and then the wing they made it have two hind legs and the front two are joined to the wings like on a bat. Also it has quite a long neck an as it show in the third image it stands like a large cat when it is about to strike. And also in the first image they came up with an idea of how to make the dragon breath fire. They got the idea of a type of snake that has two glands in its mouth. The snake shoots a liquid from the glands to blind its prey. So what the film producers did was make the dragon have two seperate glands that shoot different chemicals that when are combined make fire.
If you do buy the film it has some special features on the creation of the dragons and the ideas they used.

Just letting you know that it is a sweet movie aswell.

God I hate this movie ( ad-blocks all images >.=.< ).

Bad idea to block others. Usually those posts are split, one half containing on-topic comments which are important and should be checked out while the other half contains blockable content. Don’t want to risk missing good content, no matter how moronic the person is.

I tried added knuckles, although I don’t think that they helped all that much. I’m really at a loss at how to fix the feet.


It’s not fair to fight over opinions about creatures which (a) do not presently exist in the physical world and (b) did they ever exist, we have no evidence of them in the fossil record.

Fighting over the belief in otherkin is no worse than fighting about which religion is better, and we all just need a healthy dose of peace here – so let’s not argue physics, physical structure, biology or zoology about creatures which do not exist in the physical realm. Dragons are often associated with magic, so our understanding of the sciences may not be very important to them. So let’s just comment on the dragon as an artistic creation.

I think that this is a very nice attempt at a dragon that is not precisely of the standard western or eastern forms. What the hands/feet need right now is a “V” shape, and the best way to achieve that is to point the finger/toe/claws at an angle from the rest of the hand/foot – just hold your own hand up and see how your four fingers look in a neutral pose (not fingers held together, a loose natural pose will reveal that the fingers connect at slight angles to support the “v” shape mentioned earlier – the point of the “v” is somewhere just behind the wrist). In addition, each pair of fingers has an interior “v” angle you could connect at the same base point as the big “V” shape.

I think emulating a form somewhat related to this design of the human hand will improve the feel of the dragon as a “valid” organic form, as opposed to the more fully rounded “U” shape the hands/feet seem to have right now. It may also help to make the rest of the hand/foot a little bit longer so the flow doesn’t feel as forced or rushed.

Thanks for your advice, it really helped. By the way, something I neglected to mention is that the dragon is landbound, so weight isn’t really a factor.
