Dragon wip

I think the top of the hand or foot (behind the knucles) or what ever you want to call it is too flat. i think if should be more of an arc.

One question I wanted to ask all time and forgot in all this bickering that hopefully found an end. Your mesh is rather low poly but what exactly are you aiming for? A high-res SubSurf or or game type low-res?

I’m aiming for relativity high detail, while keeping the number of ploys as low as possible.
My ultimate goal is is for the final product to look something like this: http://reflectingabyss.deviantart.com/art/wip-zbrush-dragon-77843380

Sculpt mode and displacement could become useful if you make it look like that, you’ll probably need it.

well hmm I see a few things that are common to most dragons

  1. Reptilian in nature
    2.Breath Fire
    3.People always try to kill them

2. Western mythology introduced this wrong representation. Majority ( across cultures ) do not have any comparable feature.
3. Again some crap the western mythology introduced. In most other places dragons are represented as either a divine or nature spirit being which either control important phenomenas ( like rain or rivers ) or keep what is often called the secrets or nature ( a sort of collecting expression for various phenomenas of nature not widely known to common people ).

Not a bad looking dragon.

For the feet, you should make a backup of your .blend and then reduce the amount of frontal toes to 3, then make a backwards protruding “thumb” toe that has a wicked curving claw. Most of my childhood dragon friends were this way, the only one that wasn’t had birth defects and asbergers.

Sorry, sorry, not trying to get this thread locked, above stuff was a joke (you should try the 3 toed thing though).

If you need an image of what I mean, I’d be glad to provide it.


What he talks about are bird feet to put it simple :wink:

Except with a wicked wicked claw on the back toe.

And what would this help? Just asking because a wicked claw on the front side would be raptor style but on the back side… uhm… for scratching your balls? :smiley:

Well duh, what else would it be used for?

I actually had an earlier version of it that did use three toes, but I change it as I was trying to get away from the ‘bird foot’ look. I prefer the current, four toed version, but if you really think that I should change the number, then I’ll go ahead and do it.


Hmm…it’s your desicion on what you want to do, just make sure that you save a backup of your .blend for if you don’t like the result. If you pursue the 3 toed idea, make the toes a little bit longer than the above pic.


4-toe looks definitely better. This one here is way too clumsy kinda like he’s got a swollen foot.

There’s still the matter of the body, which I’m somewhat unsatisfied about.



Photo that illustrates what I mean. I didn’t draw this, it came from a game, kudos to who figures out what game :wink:

Could you give us a little more zoomed out picture of the body? Maybe search for dragon images on google or something and find one that you really like with multiple angles and try to model from that.


There are too many crap games with crap dragons out there to remember them all… especially if they do the run-of-the-mill dragon-is-the-end-boss-or-some-stupid-monster thing.

What goes for this picture that’s 4 toe but not with a back claw as with birds. This one here is reasonable since it gives stability to the foot ( I have something similar ) although they would not tip-toe :smiley:

Here’s the zoomed out version.


Hehe, actually with that game you kill dragons like bugs.

Thanks for the zoomed out pic. You may want to make the tail a bit longer (not top-priority right now though). Maybe fatten up and lengthen out the dragon in it’s midsection, possibly adding loop cuts.

Sorry I can’t be of much help.


Problem is proportion here. Currently it looks like a dog and this is because of the length of the torso compared to the length of the tail and the length/thickness of the legs. If you want to you can take a look once at my dragon ( it’s the “WIP: Sean” topic ). This one is based on realistic design ( realistic in terms of physics/zoology ) and could give you some hints. You can still keep your specific design and particular look but could give you something solid to start from.

EDIT: @funddevi:
Games killing dragons… those should rot in hell >.=.<