
Hey hey Eragon isn’t just any movie. It’s a movie with no name actors based on a book written by a young teenager. HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG?

Yeah, that’d be almost as ridiculous as using no-name kid actors to make a movie based on a book that a monetarily poor single mother wrote. That’d never make it. :slight_smile:

I’m talking about harry potter if you didn’t catch on.

♪♪ Dragon dragonball, dragonball Z
dragon dragonball… Z ♪♪

haha, God I love that song.

Anyway, after years and years of playing around I finally started working on my graduation project. It’s still in some sort of orientation phase, but I’ve already printed out multiple works in decent sizes. There’s one I want to show here, because the inspiration for this piece came mostly from this thread and CD’s (mis)behaviour.

Title: Dragons are Gay
Size: 100x100 cm (39x39 inch)


To make one thing clear, I am NOT joking. This really is part of my graduation project. So yeah, I’m finally working on school, but still playing around. haha. The big size makes it look great btw. For a bigger (flipped) background image click here.

So Cyborg Dragon, thanks for the inspiration http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v483/sago/Pics/Emoticons/big_smile.gif


Good one Sago!!

You still got it :stuck_out_tongue:

(by it i mean the ability to make me laugh)

So Sago, where did you find that rad poster for Eragon? Don’t tell me YOU are one of the people, dare I say actors in it? Funny pic man. Who are all the people in the background?

As for Harry Crapper… I mean Harry Potter, I personaly thought all his movies were crap other than that last one, it was actually pretty good, however I just not into the “Teen Witch” thing, I’m more of an LOTR kinda guy, a lot of work went into that one.

Also weird.

Yeah, Harry Potter, Lord of the rings and Eragon really suck IMO.

Does anyone ever wonder why in every movie which has dragons the dragons end up dead? :rolleyes:

@jack: don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the movies were actually good. But they were a multi-billion dollar success.

Yes, talk about Dragon discrimination, the classic hatred of Dragons are everywhere. In books, everywhere. At least Eragon seems like the Dragon will not be killed.

But hey, what’d you expect from a Dragon’s reply anyway?

About Harry Potter, my mother and sister absolutely hate it because it glorifies wizardry and occult/satanic practices. We even got letters from christian groups regarding the same thing.
Not to mention the good guys sometimes do bad things as I’ve heard.

If I could get away with one murder…

I like the background. :slight_smile:

I struggle to see how you can read ANY teenage to adult literature.

I just realized how stupid that sentence sounds, given the context.

No need for you to get away with it. Thats why we have Super Wu.
Just mention something to him and… its done.

You’re not alone Social (from what I gather), control the urge and pray to Wu for liberation:D

I’ll be sure to stop Wu before it becomes a religion. In fact he will be stopped. The Dragons will have this forum before Wu-man does.

Interesting ascii art. Scroll on down…

Wow, man, keep your religion OUT OF IT!!! FOR ONCE!!! We don’t want to know what you think of as a bad thing, or spiritual, or what ever!

BTW: Harry Potter is not occult, it’s a friggin’ book! All the religious zealots who care to disagree can just put their jealous selves down on their pews, and go eat some crackers.

Book burnings are so Third Reich…


1: Oh wow! Good guys do bad things? What, like in virtually every * bible story in the entire * * book? The ARAAARRRGGG factor of that alone is immense.

But oh no; you have to go one better…

2: “as I’ve heard”

hnj byh bnjh nbyj

^ above is me banging my head on the keyboard.



P.S. I’ve kindly not used the expletives I was going to and despite my rage replaced them with *.

We don’t just sit on the pews we go out and try to make a difference. If Harry Potter really causes kids and adults to learn more about stuff like wizardry, witchcraft, and spell making J.K Rowling may as well be a great deciever in the same line as Charles Darwin and Joseth smith (the Mormon’s founder)
What else do we have to say as christian fundamentalists.

EDIT::::^ as a pre-note the above post originally included Hitler instead of Joseth (sp?) Smith :::::::END EDIT

Scape, scrape, scrape…

“What’s that sound ma?”

“That? Oh, that’s just that boy down the road on that internet again.
They reckon he won’t stop digging until he’s got a pit so big everyone can look down on him.”

“But why ma?”

“I don’t know child, I just don’t know…”

