Dream of Flying

Very inspiring, thanks for sharing! The detailing is crazy good…

You know, I almost like your close-ups more; as a 3-panel, it gives a sense of constricted action when its so close.
…plus the details are stunning!

Great composition, very good concept congratulations !!!

Amazing detail! Nice work.

The details of curvature is fine .You really can see the things of his face .

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Absolutely fantastic! The elements lead me to ‘see’ things that aren’t there. The curvature makes me think of the “tunnel vision” requirement for extreme focus. I love it!!

Really good! Very inspirational!

That is real art! so dynamic

Dreaming of flying, but something’s holding her back… its not the artist.
Beautiful concept and exceptional artwork.


This is Web Design Company UK … Very nice for the image… These are how to wrote the pictures…

this is definitly an inspiring piece of artwork.

BEAUTIFUL, the idea and the picture is just stunning

The Image Blew Me Away!!!
Give you,
5 stars for this:*****
Actually six stars:******

awesome! was the sand also rendered in blender or did you add that from a photo during photoshop post-pro?

Amazing art, man! It reminds me of an Athas Avangion from Dark Sun AD&D roleplay games!

holy moly that’s DOPE!

Loooks like a painting. Congrats

amazing! love the detail

http://www.subeducation.info/avatar3.jpgExceptional! Do you have a higher resolution version? I’d like to see a little more of the detail.

Next time people ask me why I choose to use blender, I’ll direct them here.