Ducati - Il Bisbetico Domato

So I started texturing the engine. You can see the difference between textured and un-textured pieces right away :eyebrowlift:

That is one heck of a map there LOL I seen that and about had a heartattack. Looking awesome. Keep up the great work. Looking forward to seeing more.

Thanks! Yea, took me a few days to unwrap this beast. Kind of crazy. Still lots more to do but with practice comes speed

that s hurt lol ! oh god i hate uv unwraping !
personnaly i may go with fewer uv islands , even if there is some stretching .
anyway great effort !

Thank you! When you have so many little parts stretching becomes way too extreme so have to commit fully…

i understand !
i really like this project , i ll keep folowing the evolution !
thank s for sharing

wow, crazy amount of detail! Awesome texturing job.
That UV Map drives me insane just from looking at it :smiley: can not imagine unwrapping for some days…
Unfortunately I think there is no way to get around that.

textured in substance painter?

Thanks! Yea mostly Substance Painter.

Nice job on modelling, but what the hell are you doing with the UVs? A few days to UV? It’s a waste of time. You need to decide where you’ll use your asset, whether it’ll be a game ready one or a few beautiful renders. If you’re aiming for a realtime asset there’s way too much geo to deal with (especially since most of the engine would be hidden) and the messy UVs would require really high resolution textures. So you should retopo / make a low poly of the engine and make clean UVs if you’re doing it for realtime.
Now if your plan is to make a few nice renders and call it done you don’t need to go through all of this. You can easily do that texturing with some simple decals + procedural materials, maybe some projections but definitely not a UV map like (it’s just a waste of time).

In the end if this works for you and you’re okay with spending so much time on it it’s okay but you could really save a lot of valuable time and probably even make it look better with different techniques.
Don’t get me wrong it’s looking good so far but don’t spend time on unecessary tasks.

Your overall bike looks very nice, but that engine block is an excellent bit of modeling. Modeling all those fillets with the blending of curves & machined surfaces is not easy to do.

very very good work, lot of patient and well done.
did you used just basic modeling and curves? how much time it took you?

Thank you. You make a lot of very good points. I should’ve explained myself better probably - I wouldn’t say days and days, since I mostly work on it during my free time, so few hours each day. I know my texturing technique is bad, I realised it while working on this project. Before going on to next project I will definitely learn about UVing/Texturing more.

I dont plan to use it for real time. Basically just a few pretty images and I want to render a short animation as well to showcase the design.

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed!

Thanks! I’m not sured what you mean by curves. I modelled engine from references (a lot of references). Basic sub-d modelling, trying to find right amount of geometry to describe the shape. I use a lot of creases since my modelling topology is not very good.

Another texture batch. I tried using ST Welds addon for substance painter to get these welding marks. I really like the addon so far. I plan to make another texture and then the engine will be finished.

I can finally call the modeling/texturing of the engine done! :yes: Texturing the rest of the bike should be easy…

and one more

Sweet, keep it up! The only thing that catches my eye is that white tube in the bottom, it gives it away.

Thanks! You mean the exhaust wrap at the very bottom of the engine?

Yup! It’s not bad at all, just catches the eye for some reason (shading /texture)