Durian Project - Best ever movie moments

The thread is not to tell the Durian Team what and how to do it - it’s here about sharing great moments of film - in any way or type (manga exluded lol). No, I mean ANY type. Well, that’s what I wanted this thread to be, but as we see it drifts it’s own way sometimes. Still, it’s about great moments (mostly action moments) in film history.

Wow. I’m always so impressed by the Blender community. I mean, it’s already great to hear from everybody which film scenes they like - but then this community takes you in some magic moments even a step further - thanks for giving the link about the displacement map.

@Jeremy Ray + DeeVad
I do not know anyone of you, but hope everything is now said. If not, can you please clear this up in a different way? Do not use this thread for discussing your design stuff - it’s about best movie scenes. That’s it. Please.

I love the crazyness of Mel in this scene on the rooftop :wink:

Sometimes the unexpected makes a scene great. Well, at least I enjoyed it very much…

the twins from Matrix, or just about any fight scene from any Matrix.

@Cyrr : Sorry for your thread pollution, you are right, I removed my example picture in my previous post and replace them by just the URL link, that’s the minimum I can do. I just wanted to reply Jeremy Ray on the design idea of the website Durian, cause I’m well placed for it ( Deevad = David Revoy , I’m the concept artist of the project )

For one of my best action scene ; look at this scene in “The Legend of Drunken Master” :

very ‘artistic’ kung fu performed by Jackie Chan.

I love that film! Was wondering or not whether to mention it as to how it might fit, but I did mention Back to the Future after all…

Seeing as Jackie Chan was mentioned - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1Nc5IvyyD0

Fantasy Mission Force

Please don’t take this as a particularly serious influence on Durian. It is however an incredible amount of fun if you like films that leave you in stitches asking what just happened. It also happens to have a pretty cool female lead character who keeps on saving her male counterparts.

Highly recommended nonsensical fun!

We heard from Ben! Maybe we can get some comments from other Durian team members!

There are three in this thread. Gotta catch em all!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfNH5GeY5tc& - Found the Kung Fu Panda escape scene.

I love that moment in Elephants Dream when…

Also many people find it weird, I’m fond of the atmosphere here:
I feel a lot of emotion everytime I watch it, I think the harmony between the video and the music should be taken as a reference, and also the compositing…
What I want to say is to not forget the emotion by working on top-notch characters and textures: here the characters are very simple, but I find the short nonetheless fascinating… I’m pretty confident that Yann Morgenstern will do a perfect work, according to the perfect fusion between the video and the music/sounds in BBB…

Good luck to all the team!!

p.s: on the website, the author has been kind enough to provide a making of: he speaks about a lot of references to mythological stuffs, that even unconsciously (as many civilization share mythological characteristics) help the spectator let her/his mind fly, as a poem does…

I remembered of the Reptile Vs Liu Kang fight sequence in Mortal Kombat:

It as emotion, fluidity, great edition and camera work as also coll lighting, ambient and soundtrack sinc.

Johnny Cage Vs Scorpion also cool:

<please delete double post>

Surprised no one mentioned it, but IMHO the absolute best fight ever in the history of film is Anakin v Obi Wan in Star Wars Episode 3

It has everything: a complete universe building up to it, chracters with actual motive and depth, jedi fighting with lightsaber , and volcanos exploding in the background. The first two movies are kind of slow, but this

Certainly better than Anakin v Obi Wan in EpIV ! 2 geriatrics slugging it out till the end… well 1 geriatric and 1 enhanced toaster.

Again, thats an action vs emotion comparison, sort of. But in order to keep the topic moving here is another one.

Simply called ‘The Duel’. A little story, but mainly a fun swashbuckling choreography piece. Already emailed it around to the rest of the team. :slight_smile:

Xiao Xiao number3 it’s the kicking ass classic :wink:
Mind blowing fight choreography:

Beware Spoiler for Final Fantasy X!!!

Ok I know it’s a game but the storytelling was definitely awesome. When Tidus & co. finally arrive at Zanarkand and the truth gets revealed that all they have done was kind of pointless, depending on a lie and Yuna + somebody else has to die to destroy Sin - but he’s coming back anyways after some time. And when they see the past of Auron and he desperately stabs on his old self is one of the most intense moments I’ve ever experienced.

PLUS the music at this moment. Unforgetable.
I’ll search for a video on youtube later.

Unfortunately can’t find a video. I’ll keep looking there was a video on youtube once :/.

There’s alot of awesome moments Durian can tap into.

Neon Genesis Evangelion when Asuka fight’s that Phyrrus battle against those white EVA’s that can ressurect themselves.

And fight club all through have a dreamy feeling ,

and If someone has been able to miss !!! Praying Machine by Tokyoplastic



The Craft of War: BLIND:

this ones better:


original source, better quality:

Kingdom hearts 2 secret ending I think (it says 3 but I don’t think it is) It’s darn perfect I say:

Bayoneta… “Bad boy”

Best ever movie moment where Durian should look for inspiration is of course this one - Blade Runner - Rooftop scene: