Durian Sprint: Character Modeling Feedback

Here are the three I’ve uploaded to Blendswap/Durian:

Representing three classes of Ishtar’s folk.

This is my final model for the project, Man Version C - Ishtar Guard.


And the link to the .blend file on blend swap is here.

For more info and stuff, have a look at my blog, http://longrender.blogspot.com



this sprint modeling still open?

Today is the announced closing date for the latest Durian Sprint. Not sure if files uploaded later will be considered since they have to start getting the models into the scenarios.

Here is my final of the Ishtar Male A.

I have uploaded it to the blendswap site.


please extend the deadline !

here is my wip for man variantion a:


Hi folks, here is my finished old woman model (variation of 4B):


I uploaded to blendswap.com (http://www.blendswap.com/characters/old-woman/)

Sorry for posting after the deadline, but I didn’t want to hand in an unfinished model (well ok, there are still lots of things you could tweak :wink:

Hope you can still use her and Happy Blendering!

manaphuun, the metal rings for the laces would probably be challenging for a blacksmith. She would be more likely to wear boots with a simple (or no) fastening mechanism.
Also the dye on her scarf in small regular spots comes off as too modern (technology-wise) for me. I may be wrong here, though, I do not actually know what people could do…