Dyntopo tests

New version of the head !


At this point, dyntopo don’t follow, it’s not smooth and I need to make my retopo to sculpt it correctly.

pitiwazou, That sculpture looks really good!

Now my question is, Does it make sense to put as much detail in the Dyntopo scuplture if you will need retopo and then maybe sculpt again? Or you do not need to sculpt again on the quads mesh? What is your workflow?

@Pitiwazou, Constant detail, subdiv and collapse. So at what resolution do you start and how big is your initial mesh in terms of scale when you compare it to the size of the grid? It seems tha dynatopo works kinda similar to voxels in 3dcoat.

@YAFU, you’re right, Dyntopo is only to make the first sculpt to have the forms of the object.
I really like dyntopo, it’s really fun to use, so I sculpt again and again ^^
I will make my retopo and project this dyntopo on it, like that no need to sculpt from scratch.

@polygonmonster, this character is at a human scale, 1m90, so the first detail size was to 100 if I recall.
To work correctly the detail size must not be too big or too small, that depend of people, some prefer use a faceted mesh, me, I prefer a smooth mesh.

I made videos for this one for blenderlounge in french.

It is so smooth for one milion tris… Do you use custom matcap?
I heard some people claiming here to go to tens of milions of polys in sculpt. For me it is almost impossible to work above 2m (Also with dense meshes undo takes a lot of time). What is going on, do they have some monster pcs or what?
I did not try to sculpt with constant details yet… I must try that.

I can go to 129 millions tris on a normal sculpt. Dyntopo is limited compared to multirez.

In dyntopo, I only use constant detail, subdiv and collapse and subdiv mesh.

awesome one cedric … keep it up

129 millions! Wow! Please, it’s possible to know the specs of your pc? :eek:

Core i7 8520, gtx 780 and 64go of ram.

Little test with booleans.


Added a cut line tool.


Thank You!


Something nice !


I was searching a way to create dyntopo mesh via curve !



Sorry for the spam, tell me if you don’t want me to post here :wink:

@pitiwazou that’s amazing!!! I’ll say it again, you’re adding great functionality to the sculpt tools on Blender :smiley:

Thx !

I will try to do something with metaballs too, this is really usefull and no one use it.
First I have to finish what I started ^^

Are this new features (curve,cut etc.) is already in Your beta addon or this will be in payable only? When are You going release this full addon ?

Speachless. Things like this makes me want to learn coding.

And you should try :wink:

I’m trying to have more control on the surfaces created.

This is not spam, but a great insight to what is possible!

I wonder if you could use the bevel and extrude from the curve panel to get a specific bevel shape before committing to mesh there, but I suppose that is wjat the sculpting is for to begin with :smiley:

I can’t wait to test that out! keep it up the good work.

Something like this ?