Edge detect : new EEVEE


Is there a way to make edge detection more perfect in the “new EEVEE( real-time )” like in Cycles?

I have an edge detection for old EEVEE ( (which uses ambient occlusion) ) that is very flawed and I have one for Cycles that is perfect.

Has anything changed in EEVEE that makes edge detection more perfect?


I do not think there is anything new on that aspect, edge detect in Cycles usually involves the bevel node, but the bevel node does not work for Eevee (or Eevee next).

There is also this method for Eevee but it is more complex (geometry nodes and bevel modifier - to attribute)

From min 7.

Sooner than later. Goo engine is coming to blender.


Will it come with the blender?

yes. it’s available now as alpha builds.

Is there any plan to add a nanite resource like unreal?

For the NPR module? No, none at all.

Is there a release date?

Just watch the video.

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Everything we know is in the links I’ve provided already. So: watch, read, and learn.

Does anyone know if this: edge detect will work on EEVEE?

Go try it and find out. This is isn’t a search engine, you’ve asked the same question many times already.