Eevee/Workbench development updates

So now you almost need to enable soft shadows to get nice results?
I’m not sure if I like this because the soft shadow option doesn’t run in real-time ( although it might be faster now ).
Of course I like that there less complicated options and there is less light leaking.

I quite like the PCF shadows. The quality is better than VSM in my rendering tests.

Now on to the next much-desired Eevee improvement: no more manual fiddling with Irradiance Probe gizmos and settings, but voxelized GI that’s recalculated for every animation frame.

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Isn’t VGI as well as VXAO only aviable in 900 nVidia series and up?

I think while it might be disabled on some games because those cards can do it faster, we will have it on blender no matter the hardware.

I wouldn’t know that, sorry. I’ve got a relatively recent NVIDIA GPU.

Wouldn’t this change break compatibility?, so the files you have made in 2.80 won’t look the same in 2.81 and vice versa or there is a conversion between them!

Scenes will look different with new system, perhaps the user will need to make some adjustments. But new system is simpler to configure, no light bleeding for example.

Eevee is a very young engine, it will probably continue with this kind of small broken (visual) compatibility with previous versions as the development finds the most appropriate methods until it becomes more and more stable.

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Finally, if you saw the original announcement of VXGI at Maxwell launch, you may think it works only on Maxwell. That’s not true. Maxwell does have some useful hardware features, but the only one relevant to VXAO is pass-through geometry shaders, which improve voxelization performance by approximately 30%, and they can be safely replaced with regular geometry shaders. So VXGI in general and VXAO in particular can work on all DX11 class GPUs, including ones made by NVIDIA competitors, but Maxwell GPUs deliver the best performance. It’s not limited to DX11 either: DX12 and OpenGL 4.5 are also supported.

So i gues requirement of OpenGl 4.5, and according to wikipedia: GTX 4xx< and HD5xxx<

Hardware support: Nvidia GeForce 400 series and newer,[44] AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series and newer (FP64 shaders implemented by emulation on some TeraScale GPUs), Intel HD Graphics in Intel Broadwell processors and newer (Linux Mesa: Haswell and newer), Tegra K1, and Tegra X1.[48][49]

fyi. some great progress on the best eevee extension for now.

Generates OIDN denoised HDR Lightmaps with cycles (bakes direct and indirect diffuse) for selected objects, saves them to /Lightmap folder and automatic adds them to principled as one click solution.

5min setup

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on review:

EEVEE: Volume: Speedup: Use Image load store extension

This reduces considerably the time spent for the integration

Volumetric pass only on Intel HD 4600: 54ms → 14ms


After a lull, large projects for Eevee are being committed again.

Render passes

Now, we have Eevee becoming nearly as capable as Cycles for work that requires use of the compositor. The lighting passes are a little different, but the eventual goal is have Cycles passes reworked to match.


Why can’t we have these kind of shadows?


we have better than what is shown there :

But that wont run in real time.

I prefer a real time solution.

The soft shadows in eevee converge pretty quickly, certainly not real time, but pretty dang quick…

It’s not like eevee is a real time renderer, just a speedy modern rasterizing renderer.


i also do, i sitll dont understand why they didn’t go for a real time renderer, if we need quality there’s cycles, eevee took a few secondes to reach more than 100samples and the shadow are still jitered in that render, i guess shadows that soft cost a lot

Here’s what eevee needs… (brigade) :wink:


Brigade is going to destroy every real-time engine out there,even EEVEE. I can’t wait to play with it, it should be included in Octane for Blender and maybe even UE4/Unity.Beta is coming this year. Epics Games should license Brigade and integrate it into UE4.


Caustic working, real-time path tracing at 60fps on a single 2080. I assume reflection and refraction are working ,same with basic light(i.e. area lights),global illumination.

You can get more info about Brigade toward the end of this video:

Basically its coming to all DCC apps via the plugins. You can swept out Octane for Brigade.

This news probably need its own thread, it’s a game changer. We’ll see more at summer time.

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I can’t find info on the drawbacks of Brigade, do you have any ?

It is impressive for sure, Octane looks like ancient technology in comparison, and is a clear indication that the RTX tech. is starting to get somewhere.

Your move AMD, see if you can prove Radeon Rays as truly robust and not a knockoff.

Brigade will also work in tandem with the Octane Metal version once both new engines are released. Metal Octane obviously being here now(beta) which of course AMD supports, followed by Brigade sometime later this year. At least I think I head in the talk, OTOY’s CEO mention this will be part a Metal version too. :grin:

Pretty sure Brigade is OTOY “Octane” tech and has noting to do with Nividia.