English translation needed of a YafRay tutorial.


This czech tutorial is simply amazing.

The guy that wrote it has been asked to make its english translation but unfortunately his english isn’t good, so he won’t rewrite it.

Such text would be great stuff for Yafray’s community. We need a person or people willing to translate it into English.

Spread the word. Thanks!

I don’t read Czech, but he uses some interesting meshes to demonstrate the various aspects - beats the simple cube and sphere in a room approach. I would be very pleased to see this translated well.

On the off chance, I took a look at AltaVista’s Babel, but they don’t have Czech on the list.

A google search for an online czech translator yields a few, but they don’t really make the tutorial easily read. If you’re desperate, though, you might be able to gleam a few hints at what it means by doing that until someone comes along who is fluent in Czech.


The thing is, when Alejandro hasn’t made a post since 2002 on elYsiun or even one 7 months on yafray.org, and when Alfredo tells me (and you, and everyone) that Yafray is not in active development, himself, directly, that we should find an alternative…

You might want to consider that is the plain fact of the matter. I mean I love the stuff that you and Claus did last month, that’s great! But where do you think we can do from here with Yafray, with one čeština tutorial being translated regardless of how good it is?

We can make it into a project if you want. :smiley: Between understanding Yafray and translating the individual words, deciphering might not prove that difficult, just time consuming.

That looks like on very good tutorial!

I love the fact he enjoys Discombobulator as much as I do. :smiley:

Nice tutorial.


never the less if yafray is actively developed right now or not
it is still in use and compared to other solutions the only easy to
use one.

in that respect i would just do a translation because it would benefit
users even right now.


Please guys, I think that this is not the place to discuss about YafRay future (or lack of it). There are several opened threads discussing that question, and you can just open another one if you wish.

Some competent YafRay users consider that it is worth translating this tutorial into english, for many reasons:

  • Diagrams and renders are damn good.
  • If the explanations are as good as included pics and diagrams, then it is a great tutorial.
  • It includes comparisons between different settings.

i have to agree on all aspects.

Ok I sent out a few e-mails.
Hopefully we can get this translated.
Alvaro, can you afford to pay for a translation
if no free one is offered?

Some competent YafRay users consider that it is worth translating this tutorial into english, for many reasons:

  • Diagrams and renders are damn good.
  • If the explanations are as good as included pics and diagrams, then it is a great tutorial.
  • It includes comparisons between different settings.

Can’t the competent Yafray users translate it?

Tesselated - what’s discombobulator? is that what made the cool cut-cube meshes? could you reproduce that with a displacement map tex?

what’s discombobulator?

Discombobulator (search?!!!)

So this project is a go, then?

OK, start here:


Who’s hosting it? 22 revisions is probably OK at the start, but as we start changing phrasing and colliquoial terms into another language, it takes a bit of faith. (or just figure out the implied meaning, and run with it.)

“-Yafray. Supreme free stewpot free of charge integrated up splendidly”

Couldn’t have said it better myself! :smiley:

Alvaro, can you afford to pay for a translation
if no free one is offered?

See my signature, I never expected to get paid doing that stuff.

I’m fact sometimes I think that writting tutorials is the way I have to pay back for all the good things I have done and learnt with YafRay and Blender. Sometimes I just enjoy doing it.

I think that we are asking in good spirit, for a generous person, to make a translation. A committed one.
I thought that it was easy to understand.

It is easy to understand.
The problem is, is that they may not happen
and so someone will have to fork out some cash to
get this tutorial translated.

Like I said, I sent out a few e-mails so
we will see soon what’s going to happen.

It is easy to understand.
The problem is, is that they may not happen
and so someone will have to fork out some cash to
get this tutorial translated.

All this talk about paying to translate a tutorial, and asking someone else to pay for it (someone who has done already much for the Blender community for free). I’m sure there are a few Czech Blenderheads who are willing to translate and share this great tutorial with the rest of the Blendercommunity for free. Remember, everyone using YafRay (and Blender) didn’t have to pay for it either…, this is the opportunity to do something in return.


Alvaro, there is an English forum on www.blender3d.cz… perhaps you can convince your Czech counterpart who does tutorials and translations out of love, to help out? I notice “tol” speaks English fluently.