I decided to set myself a challenge of creating one Blender model every day apart from anything else I might be working on. The constraint being that it has to be an object I own, I can hold in my hands, that I can study and measure. Every day objects in other words. I’ll keep it going until I run out of steam.
Nice work! What is your workflow when beginning to model an everyday object? Do you measure with calipers, or do you go freestyle and fine-tune the measurements once you get a basic shape? For the ones with labels like the superglue, do you photograph them, or do you make a detailed procedural shader?
I tend to use a set of digital calipers a lot. Luckily I have two almost identical sets, so I should be able to use one set to help model another set one of these days.
For stuff like labels I tend to reproduce them in Photoshop from scratch. I guess that’s where my background in graphic design for print comes in handy. This is my usual approach for labels, packaging and all that sort of stuff, in everything I do, not just this self-imposed challenge. Same approach was done for all the textual and graphical elements on the multimeter. The exception to this was the label on the varnish tin. It was easier just to alter and re-use an image I got online.