Everything nodes

The General and MIDI stuff is all on my GitHub Here, and some of the documentation is in the “Master” branch readme, like where to put various files (menu, bone socket, etc. My Website is not up to date with the instructions for newer nodes and 2.8 install, so much to do here still!

These nodes are designed to supplement standard Animation Nodes, whether they make it into Everything Nodes is really up to @Jacques_Lucke and beyond my control. I do intend to make the DAW bits accessible shortly, but I don’t think they will get into EN unless there is sufficient demand and a lot of checking of conformity to Jacques’ methods and standards.

The Audio nodes need the SoundDevice Python library installed, with 2.8 this is much easier, I believe python3.7m pip install sounddevice does the trick, but may need to check that. The MIDI stuff needs PyGame Python library installed, again I think python3.7m pip install pygame does this.

The DAW stuff is not loaded to my gitHub yet, I still need to do some more work to get it to a stage where I can release it. There are currently 58 nodes and one functions file there to check and debug. I will also need to upload a .dae file to hold all the objects for a DAW project and write instructions on my website, so some way to go here also.

If anyone want to start looking at the DAW nodes, let me know and I will see what can be done, maybe an upload, with many caveats as to the state of the nodes, could be done shortly. Getting a fresh perspective on this work would be advantageous to development.

A Thread in the WIP section details progress with the MIDI, Audio and DAW development, it is reasonably up to date and provides some insight into the thinking and difficulties with loading python modules in 2.79, etc.

Thanks for the all the likes!

Cheers, Clock. :beers: :grin: