Experiment: art-focused homepage


I’ve always wondered if our homepage should be more graphics oriented instead of having rows of text, and how this might affect the acivity and engagement of our community.

With the new sidebar giving an easy access to our other categories, I think it may be time to try this.

After some initial testing, I’m now enabling this as the default view for the weekend while collecting your feedback - please use this for a few days and leave your :+1: /:-1: in the poll below. Comments/feedback are also welcome, but please do use the poll as that’ll give everyone a much easier sense of the sentiment around this idea.

If you want to go back to the original text-based theme, then you can so so by selecting the appropriate theme from the bottom of the sidebar:


The homepage is listing the latest in Artwork - there’s no popularity filter in place. I considered using the ‘daily most popular’ instead, but this feels more democratic and organic to me. I’d love to get your feedback on that.


Which theme do you prefer?

  • The original ‘text-based’ theme
  • This new ‘art-based’ theme
0 voters

Testing DEV … – Arghh im blind now… :star_struck: (should have switched to light first… ) no… i’m not… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
But i was a little fast… the new menu shows the new and unread threads… i meant more somthing like to have the avatar menu static on the right… okay that’s more an discourse thing… no stress…

I like this a lot. If there was a dark version, I’d switch over immediately and permanently. I like the idea of showing recent artwork- I agree that featured art is already prominent and I think the duplication would be confusing. This should also help artwork get more visibility - hopefully helping with the problem of unanswered, unliked, ignored posts in #artwork:finished-projects


I added the dark version, and renamed both themes to ‘- Art home’:



You’re a hero! :smiley:

What is the difference between the normal them and “art home” ?

It doesn’t appear to have any changes in my side, or maybe I’m not looking at the right place ?

A different homepage, as described in this topic :slight_smile:

It appears as the same homepage for me too, btw. No difference when I switch.

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How odd - which browser is this? And if you close the tab and visit the homepage again, what happens?

Firefox. Closing tab, browser, clearing cache etc…no difference.

What happens if you toggle back to the ‘text’ version and the ‘graphical’ version? I’m using Firefox here too without any issues…

Nothing. Tried all the themes, and apart from the color, they’re all the same. Weird, huh?

Ah, I found it - try again?

Light theme the same - just empty.

Whoops, I made a typo.



Ahh now i know it how should look like :wink: … seeems to not work in Vivaldi 5.5.2805 on linux (debain 9) … not too bad for me.

But maybe also this deprication warning in Discourse are interesting ??

And now something totally offtopic just because i’m happy now :smile_cat: :sparkles: :

While experimenting with userstyles i discovered : using the main page in a sidebar to use as an global menu… (via right click open in new tab because otherwise it would be opened in the sidebar ) is perfect for me… (scrolling this down would also show me the latest posts…)


(If i now also know howto open all links from the main page via userstyle in a new tab… then x-mas is already here… )

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I too was wondering what kind of changes we’re supposed to be seeing… :thinking:
Still nothing for me - Chrome on win10.