Export Layer Masks and Outlines to Photoshop

Can someone tell me how I can export all my objects seeing in the viewport as a layer mask to Photoshop. The overlapping parts includes. So not every object by it’s own as a mask. For now I do it with Viewport Shading > Random Color > Flat and then mask the color areas in Photoshop.

And how can I export all the outlines of my objects to Photoshop? Otherwise I need to sketch the outlines by hand in Photoshop.
Is there any option to get also the outlines as Photoshp/Illustrator paths?

At the end I would need the object masks, the inner and outer lines of objects and the sky shadows on my interior :slight_smile:

The former you could probably do with cryptomatte. This might help you a bit.

For the latter, the only real way I could think to do it would be to apply a fullbright white emission material to all the objects in your scene, then render out just the lines.

Thank you very much @Renzatic! I will have a look to this exr-io.com I’m really not that deep in Blender. I hope I can bring this to run, with the extension.

Might you can make me a screenshot of the fullbright white emission material setting?
How can I render only the lines at the end if a got the emission material?

It’s at the bottom of the BSDF node. Look for Emission, make sure it’s white, then go to Emission Settings and jump it up to something like 20.

The only problem is that I don’t know if it’ll work with Freestyle or not. I don’t know how to use it all that well, so I wasn’t able to test it out. Though I did try a solidify outline, and it looked good with it.

This addon is fantastic. It saves out an AO pass, an outline, and a wireframe which you can use in the compositor to adjust to your liking. The free version works very well.