[External Program] Blender Version Manager for 2.8

Curious is there anyway to modify so that the build download happens using GitHub, GitLab’s, or Bitbucet code api? Similar to how CGcookies blender addon updater functions. https://github.com/CGCookie/blender-addon-updater

It be nice if the version manager had the ability for downloading custom builds hosted on Github, for custom version updating. I haven’t taken a look at whats on BVM github, but is there anychance the community can take a stab at including such feature? Granted if you don’t have the time.

I have a prototype of app that can handle downloding all official builds (stable, daily and experimental), which I will, hopefully, make into a full program. The reason is that BVM is not very good designed for extendability. Also, downloading something from repositories doesn’t seem common for me, only including graphicall.org builds is reasonable.

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Hey thanks for the tool again, feels really polished in linux too ! But i can’t get it to update the available releases, i created an issue for it on your github https://github.com/DotBow/Blender-Version-Manager/issues/18

Cheers !

Please, check latest release 1.6.1 Beta, hope issue not there anymore!


did not know about this beta! thanks, I like the version number change.

Hey thanks for your quick fix ! works perfectly on linux too now ! i didn’t test yet the “launch on system startup” option but apart from that, all good ! :slight_smile:

I didn’t manage to get a blender terminal though, is there a specific workaround to follow ? i tried launching BVM from terminal, no luck. An option to launch from terminal could be awesome !

Anyway, thanks a lot !

As a non Linux user I can get most information from internet only :expressionless: So here How to open the Blender Console window in Ubuntu people says that you should do some extra steps to open a terminal window.

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Hi, yeah i know how to do it in linux, the thing is, you have to launch blender from terminal from the get go to have a terminal windows opened, and for now it is not possible when launching blender from BVM.
A checkbox for it could launch blender through a terminal ? i totally get that you can’t test it, and this is a very specific request, but that could be really great ! :smiley:

great little program … thanks


I got this type of problem with version manager it closes blender right after trying to open it? if I open blender from the version manager folder it opens right away :frowning:
windows 10
version manager 1.6.1 beta

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Can confirm that this is happening to me as well but only on the latest 2.83 nightly (Feb 23). Older versions work fine.

I have windows 10, same beta version and I have no problems opening that exact 2.83 image or the new one. Try going to the folder where it downloaded and opening the blend.exe yourself so you can rule out if it’s something to do with the program or not.

It looks more like a blender crashed, I had that when my preferences conflicted in some way. The 2.83 not stable enough right now.

I got it working after I deleted the folder where version manager saves the different blender versions and after that the 2.83 folder from the appdata roaming, making it a fresh start for the app basically. Now it works like charm again :slight_smile:

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The program is now downloading the latest 2.82a beta instead of 2.83 alpha. I’m assuming something changed on blender’s side. https://builder.blender.org/download/

That’s known issue/limitation and a poor design of current state of BVM :pensive: Right now I’m heavily focusing on releasing a first version of Blender Launcher at the end of this week, hope everything will be ok. It should solve a big number of issues and bring new features.
Sorry for such trouble at the moment!


No problem at all. It’s been a great tool and saved me a lot of time :+1: looking forward to your launcher. Is it a replacement to this?

Is it possible to make it on linux ?
In blender community, someone asked to do a real blender launcher, maybe @DotBow you will be interested to collaborate, to do a real awesome version manager.
The concept is very interesting, so lets see…

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This looks like a great idea, current version manager is excellent tool for newest daily builds and I use steam version of blender for the automatic official build updating. Having the ability to update and manage official builds as well with version manager would let me use only one software for all my blender needs.

Hi there! Big changes are coming!

Been a long time, a lot changed in the world as well as in my local life :woozy_face:
But I can finally say that core features of Blender Launcher are in place and working pretty well!
It will need separate thread as soon as I will prepare a proper launch (that is a very hard part for me since requires a lot of management and time).
There is still no a proper documentation, some UI parts are clunky and minor features missing. However, it seems it is better to work on it as it goes (Beta stage) or it will take forever to release. :thinking:
Can’t announce an exact time, but as soon as possible build will be publicly available!

Thanx everyone for support! :revolving_hearts:
