F1 entry

nice design, you’ve ended up with, but it seems like the front wheel axle is missing



absolutley stunning

11/10, well done

I really like your concept and the cleanliness of your renders and work’s method!
You are a good “enemy” for the contest!!! :slight_smile: ah ah!!!

I just had few critics. How can we look in the mirroirs when we drive?
And how is attached the fronts wheels?

Else all seems near perfect, really good work.

Definitely a light Ray mirror- just curious-Did you make the bearings from The Prescision Modeling Guide [Modeling a 608 Bearing?]

And what tutorial did you use for the tires with the array. The results are fantastic!

Not anymore :wink:

11/10 is impossible… or wait… is it the other way around :spin::D:D


Mirrors will be solved. Perhaps i will remove them completly and explain it with some cameras at the back (not seeable cameras of course ;)).

Hmm weird can’t find the link in the tutorial section anymore but i found it anyway
Tire Tutorial
The bearings are modeled without a tutorial as they are very basic. I think the precision tutorial would be a bit of an overkill for a purpose like here, but of course it would add a bit more to a modell :slight_smile:

Not so sure about the shark as it drags the attention pretty much to it. I thought it would fit the overall body form as it is inspired by sharks.
The head of the shark is from an image i found some time ago but can’t find it again. The body of the shark is out of a book. Both assembled in PS.


wow```quite nice work~~~cool for you~!!

This is simply wonderful!

I would say a simple number rather than the shark on the nose. Maybe a smaller version of the shark on the front wings.

Ciao for now!

Thx :slight_smile:

Yeah i will probably put it on the side somewhere. It’s just too distracting.

i prophesy you will win…the design simply rocks :smiley: …although the shark is a little cheesy, maybe make it a little more abstract?

Do be so sure of that…

I think it will be a great contest but Zordon will certainly be near the top!

Good for me that you feel like that Bone :slight_smile: but looking at some other entrys (and there will be more!!) compared to my image i have still some work to do to get even close to being a resonable competitor…

AAaahhh bollux, forget what i just said, my one is the only one Mwhhhaahahahhuahuahahaha! :smiley:

Just awesome!!!

Really like this entry, great work so far!
Just about tyres…Is that rain stuff ? :wink:

Thx again :slight_smile:

Looks like a rain profile. I just took some random tire profile without paying attention to the purpose. Slicks might look better now that you mention it hmmm…

Some texture workin


Have thrown the idea of a racing track environment away and went over to a more backyard thing (gives some more story :slight_smile: ).
Rain tires heh :wink:


Do be so sure of that…

I think it will be a great contest but Zordon will certainly be near the top!
crap. didn’t see that one. i still like zordans better though, it’s more elegant. speaking of elegant, the current profile is too complex IMO, maybe try something between the current one and slicks, like this:

oh, btw, the street (?) looks really good

this is looking great!

This is going to be another great addition to the F1 challenge. Topology looked great, textures look great, environment looks great, must I continue? :stuck_out_tongue:

This years challenge is going to be a tough one with entries like this, awesome job. I can already tell that I lost haha.

For now the tires look ok. It’s more important to get the scene right (clock is tickin ;)) but when i think that i can spend some time on the tires i will test your idea.


You still got 2weeks, kick in the afterburner m8
