F1 entry

great image Zordan!
Everything seems so perfect! although… I have one crit/question

Is it just me or does the road seem to specular, usually it only reflects objects when viewed from a distance, and I’m not sure that it reflects that much.
anyway!.. really great image… Worthy of the gallery mabey?

cya, Nik

The street is suppost to look wet. Might look better with some more fine tuning.


awesome entry man, very good model, texturing and concept.
well done!


Some slight changes. I’m really pleased with the current state, only few things still itch me.


Wow that’s a great render! No crits here. Good luck on the contest. Looks like a lot of hard competition but this is a great model!

the pants still look a little flat/round :smiley: i mean there are too little folds and they’re a little skinny, maybe you could try the cloth modifier ?

also, something is strange about that wall in the back IMO, maybe desaturate it or something

I’m trying to fight the feeling you’ve put the rest of us out of the race, great work!!

Lol I hate how good all these people are at texturing! I have no idea where to start for my models. I need some advanced Texturing tutorial.

Truly amazing, I have a feeling you will be in the top 3.

Thx guys :slight_smile:

You are absolutly right with the pants, Bone. But the wall in the background is saturated that much on purpose. It gives the big orange background in contrast to the blue car.

Here you go…

Is this Kerky, Indigo, VRay or what? Render quality is spot on.

As has been said, the pants look slightly wrong, but hey - they’re pants, not F1 car.

The only thing that really bugs me with this at the moment is the complete lack of evidence of road grit on the body work. There should a least be some, suitably thrown in an upwards direction, behind the front wheels. That or the engines should be cleaner.

Internal and the candy look is the magic of some nodes. Next update i will show the lightsetup.

Interesting point, i will try to get more road pattern on the body and compare the looks. Thx

Is one of them the rear shock? I can’t decide if it’s detached for the work taking place or connected to the back of the engine. Back of engine seems out as the heat would melt the rubber, but if it’s detached, I can’t see where it reattaches.

The road IMO is too busy, i know it takes up the majority of the picture so it needs to be atleast interesting to look at but honestly it has more detail than the rest of the picture and it is very distracting to me.

Amazing results there from the internal.

Very good point. I just wanted to make them a little bigger, but you are right about the heatproblem. Perhaps I’ll just explain it with super future materials or not :smiley:

Hmm, will spend some research on the road.


You know I said 11/10? Well… 20/10 :smiley: meaning impossible lol. You sir are incredible. Its a brilliant model and an awesome picture. I stand no chance :smiley: Well done man… I want this as my wallpaper…

How!? how!? I just want to ask that how to creat that awesome enivernment and that road~!?

The res of the submit will be 1280x900, blown up with some black bars to 1280x1024 (it looks even better in big ;)).

The street is a slightly color corrected photo . To get the look it has now, i created a spec,normal and reflection map (see the puddles?). I might do sort of “making of” after this all is finished (but that’s a big might).


Looks amazing.The only thing I would say is the laptop looks abit small, I hardly noticed it at first glance and the can on the engine is a nice touch haha

I dont know if it is just me but the orange wall in the back ground seems a bit distracting to the great F1 you created.

VERY GREAT MODEL!! I can see this in the gallery already