Faith [Finished]

@Killer: lol, I would of aprreciated some contrutive crit. And I would give one to you, be nicer about your comments, I get these alot so I don’t flame, but others will :). Also, it’s not very pleasant getting home from school, sitting on your computer and see a person say, “your menu is ugly”, without telling me what to do to make it better…

1.Menu, is just a prototype, and doesn’t really matter how it looks, it not an inventory, it’s just pause, save or quit, simple.

2.I have a new forest right now, but it will be released when I have my final beta level finished, the reason I do this is because the forest suck right now, and I’ll have time while I’m working on the beta level to make it better, I need rocks, low poly trees, dead plants, and small dead bushes, I don’t have some of these yet, that’s why I need time. Also, if you don’t like the forest scene, tell me what I should do.

  1. I care if it sucks, because it won’t make it fun for people to kill enemies, and there won’t be any point for enemies if it sucks. Yes, yes, I will make my own AI (geez) lol, when people don’t help me I’ll do it on my own! Fine :slight_smile:

ps, AI IS hard, if you look at how an animal acts, or who a human acts, it’s very hard to get something like that. I can barely program, but I am learn so that’s why I need help. and if you read carfully, I need better potrolling, if you’ve noticed you can’t duplicated the enemy because of the pathfinding blocks, so I’m trying to make a new patrolling thing.

@ZombieJohn: Yeah, I read your comments right after killer’s, thanks for backing me up ;), thanks ALOT for your help, but I would like to know what your strong at, so I can ask for things your best at.

@Blendermaster1024: Yea, yea, yea I know you gave me a script, but I didn’t want to use it, didn’t really need it after I got to see what it did. :slight_smile: Thanks for your help though, your going to be in the credits a couple of time.

Yes, I am in a hurry :slight_smile: I don’t want to quit this project, and if it takes me longer then it should, I will, which is something I’ve done, 2 times already. I hate doing that, I know it’s normal for your first games, but I have done so much for this one, it’s soooo oraginzed on my computer and I understand blender better, then when I started using it. Um, if I don’t update recently people will forget about this thread and I don’t want that :slight_smile:

AI is easy?
Write a pathfinding algorithm.

Oh look, it’s hard!

Thanks, for backing me up :slight_smile:

Hehe, once you learn how to do it it’s very easy. I’m not trying to gang up on you or anything (which is obviously your impression)

If you want help I will AID you, but I will not write a game for you. Tell me what you need.

Ok, sorry man :p, um, I dont really want pathfinding actually... I mean, I have a better idea though that will make the enemy just right. Enemies arnt suppose to be smart in my game, maybe humans but not dolls or puppets. So I have a better idea :).

Thanks for your back up, I really appreciate it, if I need anything I`ll be sure to go to you :slight_smile:



Hey guys, the next release of the BETA level was going to be this week (Sunday), but due to some problems with python with Blender 2.49, it’s going to be delayed a bit longer. My enemy isn’t working right now because my player is being added and the enemy doesn’t detect the player so it get’s confused. 0.o. I’ll work hard to get it to work for Sunday, the updates are pretty cool ;).


Ok, I haven’t posted in a long time, and I thought I could just tell you guys that I’m still working on this project by showing you a logo I made for fun. (yes, I know it’s way to hollywood) But lol, I overused the lighting effects with gimp, I found it kind of fun.

Right now, for the game I am working on my new enemy system because my other one failed :(, so I had to restart the entire logic in my enemy. I still haven’t finished so the next Demo will be released not soon :(. I’m in summer break though, so I’m going to work on it hard, while I contain a life. :slight_smile: My puppets are still pretty stupid, but as the game goes on, I’ll add on to the logic and make the enemies smarter.

Here’s the logo I made for fun, it’s no going to be the real one, but it’s just something you guys can look at for now. Crits are welcomed, but I won’t fix them on this logo, I’ll fix it on another I make. And again, I know, I have A LOT of lighting effects, I got over excited and carried away. :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

PS: The other picture is something I found funny ;p


Major Update:
One of the main characters has been modelled by Prip! On my opinion it looks like this character will fit in perfectly with the style of game! I like it a lot, and it’s meant to be one of the main charactrers!

In case you didn’t know, I want to go for Nintendo 64 style, because I think life-like is too cliche. Plus, now these days we focus too much on graphics, but as much on the gameplay :).

I’m not saying that my game has awesome gameplay, at least not yet, but I will get to it once my beta level is complete, then I’ll have a perfect template to work with, instead of starting a blind level and then figuring out I need to add this, to this, do this, to that, which is what most noobs, like me, encounter while trying to create a game! I should have a perfect template before I start the actual level design and gamplay.

Anyways, enough of my small speech, enjoy the screenshots from the model that Prip CREATED. I made these screenshots of the rigged and ready to animate model. Thanks a lot Prip I really appreciate your help!


ohh wow he looks better now ( that is rigged) than when i made him lol good job so far :wink:

I would suggest turning the spec down on the hair. :wink:

yeah… It’s really shiny, but thats easy to fix, thanks for the suggestion!

New Character :D, it’s very nice. Prip made it for me exactly how I wanted, but I changed it up a bit. It used to be a guy, not a girl. I made it look like a girl because when he made it for me, no matter what I did the model looked like a girl. I decided to make it a girl since it went along with it well, her name is Heydi, she’s a doctor. :D, what do you think?


the new characters look great. they fit in with the style of the game perfectly

Thanks, Prip and I work hard on these (mostly Prip) He models them, then he gives me screenshots, then I tell him to fix this and that. This happens for a while, and then finally I tell Prip it’s time to texture it, which is usually when I go to sleep. Then when I wake in the morning he’s done! He’s very talented for my kind of style of game and I’m glad he is willing to help me :D. I’m going to give him a big project while I work with Beta Levels, polishing them ;). It’ll hopefully take him a while to do, lol.

Thanks for commenting (I don’t get much lately),

Ok, I don’t know why Prip doesn’t post the things he has made for me here, so he can be credited greatly, but I guess you just doesn’t feel like it lol, anyways, I asked Prip to make me a bookshelf, books, pots and some creates. The books aren’t done yet, but here’s what he has so far. It’s a really nice screenshot off all in one. (The whole scene is only 600 verts) 0.o! Here’s the screenshot:


New models :wink:


I am a landscape modeler. My e-mail is micahsking(at) E-mail me if help is needed:)

Thanks, I switched it:):):):slight_smile:

Graphics looking sick! Keep up the great work, I’ll be watching this thread.