Fantasy Tower

Inspired by some paintings I found on pinterest of medieval middle east, for the brick texture I used adaptive subdivision in Blender, Very easy to get details with this feature.


Nice job Man

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Thank you!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Thank you, same to you!

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You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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Thanks so much!

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beautiful work

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Thanks so much!

Great work and a very informative post about it, wonderful!

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Thanks, glad you like it!

Really nicely done! This, combined with the camera angle looking from the bottom towards the top, reminds me of the original Assassins Creed video game, I suddenly have an urge to climb it!

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Really nice work! :slight_smile:

One tip: Get used to properly naming your objects in the scene.
Especially when you work with multiple people on a project, you will be forced to do this anyway - and do pushups afterwards… :wink:

Can you freeze the displacement from shader into geometry to be able to export to unreal for example?

Now that you mention it!, I hadn’t thought about Assassins Creed, Thanks!

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Unfortunately we can’t, this is an effect of cycles, so there’s no real geometry, this can be used only in blender, but instead you can use the displace modifier, then create your low poly mesh and bake