Ferrari Testarossa JDM or GT3

Can you PLEASE show me your node setup for the tires?!?!
The materials look awesome!!!

Agreed. Them’s some sexy rims.

In next weekend so it will be 8/06/2013 i will publish tutorial fot tyre :smiley: and materials soo stay tuned :smiley:

Dude That the best set of wheels and tires i have seen ,i want want want them

Great work, Kramon! I’ve been watching this thread for the past few days now; really looking forward to your tire/tyre materials tutorial.
Those are the best looking cg tires I’ve seen in a long while, and I’ve never been good at making them look believable, so very excited to learn!

Okey so i was playing a bit with other tires and hmmm They didn’t look so cool for me maybe this is a bit not realistic but it has to look cool and i think it looks cool. Some shaders improvments mainly Voronoi setup etc…

FULL HD Resolution CLICK

that looks awesome great job

this is looking very good,
my worthless two cents

the edge in green is currently too sharp at the moment. It has a very big fillet radius in the pictures I’m seeing. The area in the red has obvious pinching plus it seems a little wrong. The edge highlighted in green and neighboring edge meet at that corner in highlighted in red in your model I don’t think the are meeting at that corner

My other crit, but I don’t know if this is because you are not done or not, is that your wheels seem to be the same front and rear. A mid-engine car usually has noticeably bigger rear wheels and the front and rear wheel track is different as well. front track is 1518mm and 1660mm for the rear. rim is R16/8 front and R16/10.

Hi, aside from tyrant monkey notices, I have to say it’s an impressive work. It looks damn right.

Message to people who want’s tire/tyre material: i am working on some node because still i am doing more and more improvments to it. so when it will be finished i will uploud it on blendswap. Curently there is old version on it. + i will made a video about it.

@tyrant monkey

hey, i am glad that you like it. Yep i have to fix that part, acctualy i can see from new renders with are above that it needs some fixing because from one angle it is a litttle bumpy. So i have to fix that and move to the rear lights part of the car :smiley:

About size of tyres. Yep they are duplicated just you know i want to make ultimate wheel then i will make the version for the back and version for the front. :smiley: so… curently version for all 4 wheels because tire needs one/two tweaks. Another stuff is that they are Wide as hell in the back i used the same tyres that where used in Lambo Diablo because i just like them :smiley: this car is gona be fast with a lot of power so you need to put it some what to the ground.

So hear are new renders with i have made just 200 samples however in full HD

Link to HQ and acctaly all content with i have uplouded in the Best quality :smiley:

So Ferrari from many angles and in many colors! + gumball 3000 sticker.

Bonus: i made another tip video don’t forget to check other videos as well.

love your renders, but a suggesion i have is to lower the camera angle on the front view. when the car feels like its gonna run you over it makes the scene feel more agressive, good work man. like your green shader.

New tutorial how i manage colors and how you can change colors of all your sceen just from one place.

// EDIT material balls

How did you model the brake calipers

brake calipers are pretty easy you just find a photo of it. and just look on it model the shape extrude in few areas and done.
Hear is a wire frame in Z mode.

my caliper is pretty low detail because it is almost un seen on wheel so i borowed it from some other car(pranavjitvirdi), i am going to make new brembo because of GT3 spec :smiley:

  • one new lamp in studio :smiley:

New part’s modeled there is cage for lamps, and little pattern honeycomb behind it only you can see it when you go for full resolution

That looks great

I like the materials and the topology looks very clean. I’m looking forward to seeing this finished.

What happened to node setup :’(

Hey i am back to projet for refresh few new renders with include new paint shader and a bit improved studio (renders faster)

paint is now based on 2 colors or gradient map so i can make some really cool transistions.

What to do? New brake calipers i am still using not mine they where made by pranavjitvirdi he made excelent model of ferrari F12 barletina. I have still to work on texture on tire because i am not so happy with it. Next stage is modeling whole GT3/hamman body so acctualy 50% of body will be totaly remodeled from sratch. Do you like it? the paint?

Add windows maybe? The grid fill tool would make it fairly easy. The paint looks good but it is hard for me to tell a difference between it and the one you had before.

Looks good!
It might be too late to suggest changes to the mesh, but:

  1. It looks to me like the outer rings of your mudguards (especially at the front ones) are too thin.
  2. The roof looks a bit thin - this might be because no interior has been added so far, but as far as I know, almost every car’s roof bends down a bit at the sides.
  3. The wheels:
    • The wheel size is a little too big overall (I’m assuming you’re going for the 80’s style, but if not, the wheel size is good)
    • The wheel is placed a little too much on the outside
    • The tire and the rim’s outer “border ring” are too slim

However, that’s just what I think (and I hope I didn’t come across as somewhat rude :slight_smile: ).