Do you mean a wireframe of the subsurf object ? What’s the best way to show the wireframe? Is there a way to show the wireframe in a render or just a screen grab in edit mode?
Wow, looks like you are grasping Blender very quickly! You should write a tutorial on this. I would do it! I stink at character modeling. And I would love to get better! Maybe I should buy that character animation book. But first I have to pay off XP for my computer. lol. Great job man!
Thanks Dudebot, but I don’t know if it is tutorial-worthy or not. Not really breaking new ground or anyhting. I think the mesh is pretty dense compared to others I’ve seen. There are a few spots I need to clean up as well.
Yea I have seen better. But still, I haven’t seen like any tutorials of how to make a character from reference pictures. And I would love to learn how! Good Luck with the rest of the character!
Thanks, ecgilboy, I have used other 3d packages so I did have a foundation to work from. BLender is really not as different from other programs as I have been led to believe. It has some really nice features, I’m enjoying using it.
DudeBot13, In the 3d window try - view menu- background image… Load your image, then you can move it around a bit, size it and set transparency. Do this once for a front view window and again for a side view window. Now in my screenshots you can see I did both a front and profile sketch in one. It would help if I had used an editing program and sized the two to match properly before I used them as a roto. I didn’t worry about this because the sketches were close enough so I could size one in blender to match. Take the defualt square add the subsurf and mirror modifiers then start knifing and extruding. Point pulling and tweaking comes next. I’m sure there are plenty of subsurf modeling tutes around, much more detailed and better than I could explain things.
Ok thanks man! I was doing i another way and it really didn’t work out right. When I got the cube ready, I could see the reference picture through the cube. But now with the world background, I can do that. Thanks man!
It’s been a little while, but I was finally able to do some more work on him. The SSS is a little much at this point, but I was dying to try it out. I also included the sketches for the head design so you could see where I was coming from. Once I finish modeling the parts with mirror on, I plan on cleaning up the middle seams a bit.
Nice work. As you noted, the mesh is a bit dense for the amount of detail. One way to clean it up is to use select edge loop [in vertex or edge select mode, alt+RMB with the cursor near the edge you want to select] and then edge loop delete, which is the last option in the erase [x] menu. If you go too far, undo (ctrl+z) will get it back.
It’s a different modeling philosophy: less is more. I’m taking a course in 3ds max this summer, and the instructor is constantly saying I need a denser mesh, because I’m used to starting out sparse and adding verts only as I need them. :spin:
Best way to do wireframe image is just screen grab (or window grab ctrl+F3) in edit mode.
Tkank you…
I think I may need some of the density when I start to rig and animate. But then again I could be wrong. It just seems to get more dense as I add details. Oh well. I’ll see what happens when I delete some loops
Edit: I captured the wireframe again. This one is better.
I’ve made some more progress here, adding a fur material, and following the array video on Blender’s features web page to construct a chain.
First pic- sketch for reference, you can see what I’m aiming for