First Person Adventure/shooter

Many Many Thanks :smiley:

what’s a game with out a little voodoo.

and as for the game and story as in the acid trip thing. think conkers bad fur day. with all of the talking objects and crazy jokes and stuff. and the stories won’t really tell what’s up
you have to find hidden items to put it all together. just for the people who like conspiracy theories :cool: like things.

It’s pretty much a amalgam, of all game types.

and if anyone can help I’m getting these animation bugs. when I do a muti button press let say jump and run forwards, the animation gets stuck and keeps going even if I let go of the key it only dose that when I do a muti key press. It didn’t happen to me in 2.5 only 2.6.

Ahh… I understand now. I love that kind of game.:smiley:

Have you tried playing with the priority or continue setting of your actuators?

I have run into similar bugs with animations freezing if I send multiple signals to it. For example: if I have a walk animation and conect its actuator to both the forward and right movement controllers, if I press both keys the animation will just stop.

Using an OR controller fixes it because I only conect that one controller to the action, but I can put both movement key sensors into it.

This doesn’t work if you want to make sure the player is on the ground or something before you let the animation occur so you could 1) write a python script to handle your action or 2) use ACTUATOR sensors and conect them to an OR controller as mentioned above.

Hope that helps!:slight_smile:

P.S. Your game looks awsome and I would be glad to help with it, exept I am barely progressing on another game I am working on:(

Thanks. I think I have to use a script for the animation this time. to prevent button mashing and such, muti push and mashing are the main trouble makers. I’m not any good at python:(. all I can do is simple modifications in the script, I hope I get better at python.

I hope it’s not my rig, I worked so hard on it. I used the same armature rig style since 2.49. It’s getting better and better.
right now I’m working on going up stair, and slopes for the armature to were the leg and feet won’t hover in mid air. they will plant.

I can post the current stage of my rig (feet/leg thing not yet added), along with the test area if anyone wants to see the rig more closely. also how do I go about posting a file.

ghost model

Wow love it! and your a quick worker thats even better.

U no tellin me how tha f*ck u made that shading?!?!?!? Looks like borderlands! I love it

I guess this link can be of use as reference to you:

Mainly the XIII game.

Yeah, that’s what I was going for, XIII. I always wanted that game for my GameCube never got to it. And thanks for the link, I want some of those games too. The only one out of those I have is MadWorld. Like most people I also look at every square inch of the environments in games.

Well I used different techniques, for the character models I used colour ramps. It works best with higher poly stuff, it wont have a good out line if the model are to low poly. but that’s if you want it to have a out line on it. I even tried it on the low poly version of the main character. It didn’t have a good out line it just cuts off in random spots.

and for the weapon models I used a technique that should NOT be used. I just made a duplicate model with all the textures removed, and turn it inside out. Since the weapons are pretty low poly it doesn’t really matter. adding emit can help allot too, just like the sniper rifle’s scope in the colorful death video. it glows brightly when light hits it in a way. with that I trying to get the gears 3 glow effect with the weapons. for the goldin gun I have gotten it to sparkle like glitter. using some extra textures.

What’s up

I’m just showing some of the explosions I revised. though I didn’t show them all for reasons.

so what do you think? which one do you like the most?

  1. is my all time favorite.:smiley:

  2. is ok, It’s just over board. (lag fest)

I also like 4 best. It wouldnt really work for all the explosions in a game though.

since the game isn’t a straight up FPS and I’m aiming for a cartoonish stlye. it’s more like one big crazy artifact hunt. you can use these barrels in many ways. other then dieing from them.
I just wanted to add some more stuff other then the typical exploding barrels. still more types are to come. and maybe mixes…maybe.

I’m just working on the balancing. the heath and damage system works somewhat, I just didn’t show the players damage yet.

item and monster barrels. I’m having problems spawning random items/enemies.

the ice barrel will do two types of damage. it also has it’s own heath bar too.
physical damage if you some how come into contact with the pillar of the ice like crystals, and frost bite. it will pretty much be the same as catching on fire. you or enemies will turn into a block of ice if you die from it.

the radioactive one I didn’t show because render to texture is just showing black. I had it working in older builds of the game.
wanted to have a Heat Distortion effect using a warped animated water texture. it will have aimless pockets of radiation. if you get in one you screen will get warped.

acid barrel removes one armor piece.

for the oil barrel I removed the effects for the stages of damage. starts leaking. start to spew fire starts to bounce up and down
then it blows up, can be used to moon jump

blast barrels. needs to be avoided. hiding behind a wall won’t help get out of range.

I know the darkhole barrel works to well. I’m just thinking if I should make it just kill you if you get pulled in, or have some random darkhole barrels take you to some type of hidden bonus zone. it is useing a modified version of the planet gravity.

and as for mixes that will be kind of hard to pull off. it will pretty much be made in the way I made the level of damage for the barrels.

Blast+ice = pin cushion. blasts out spear like fragments

water barrel will make the blast barrel useless.

and so on so on

and the biggest thing is, I decided to remove all of the guns you can use :frowning: to make things easier on me. your only weapon is the gas shielded mining laser(Gouger) and one melee. the other weapons will be used by enemies. that are capable of using them. health will not auto regain you need heath packs which are rare, Ammo is your money in some ways. so be careful. the life coins have some use but. for what? I’m not saying what they do, they aren’t money or health ether…those are the gold and silver square things.
I was also testing out chain reactions, It’s not flawless yet.

If the game gain some massive support. When I’m finally finish, and release it, the 2nd game will have even more stuff to offer.

dimensional ship it’s not a star ship. it uses teleportation as a means of travel.

this is the main character

another type of ghost it like cookies…nom

Just showing the fully interactive menu screens. :smiley: you will be able to play around with the objects in the back ground, and if you wait long enough crazy things may happen.

still needs some more work.

Extremely cool. I like the big building that says OBEY!

Thanks mag opus

I got the idea from the movie They Live.

It is much better then the other menus I had. just a static pic that moves around. I think full 3d menus are great, not saying that static ones aren’t. I just wasn’t feeling it with the old one.

The mini game like aspect of the menus will remind everyone of the good old arcade rail shooters.
still have a loooong way to go.

just another enemy

(Nano.3 (Mimic)

It’s one of those, that can not be destroyed, you can only slow it down.:evilgrin:
It has no true form.

Just showing that I’m still working on the game.
anyways modeling this is going to be quite fun and funny.

just a (mimic) with a simple animation

once again sorry for no real game-play, I just feel it isn’t ready to show yet.

A few new weapons.

the two new human weapons.

a modified MP5.

Cyber AK47

and a reptilian weapon.
don’t really have a final name yet.
it WAS intended as a tool to move massive stone monoliths.
anti gravity mover.

Your progress with this is so creative. I love the style so much, and even though you can say that influences were taken from a few other games, I definitely think you have your own thing going on. Which is amazing.

When are you looking to showcase some gameplay, or maybe a playable demo for us to wonder around in your (frighteningly ;)) trippy world? Amazing work dude.

map W.I.P

This is one of the sections of the H.E.L.L hub zone. each world has a hub zone that has different sections. some sections can only be accessed by special door ways, from other worlds, zones, or levels. weapons may behave differently depending on the dimension.
since this zone is all about perspective they will be allot of hidden stuff.

well for this zone I was trying to get the walking up walls and ceilings down but keep running into problems. like getting stuck, uncontrollable camera.