
awesome sketches, awesome models! Keep it up, your work is really pleasant to the eye.


some freecad test…very nice parametric cad program…rendering in blender cycles

some head doodles for the next days

and the next one

another one


Nice shading, do you line with the same softness as shade? 4B etc?

And do you ever have trouble with smudging from your trailing hand as you draw/shade?

3pointEdit most of the time its just one pencil hb and sometimes b …values are controled by pressure.
Of cource i get smudging from my hand but its not a bug its a feature…because if i erase later some areas i get really nice highlights and a very subtle shading.

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besides of near 60 backrounds in one year some charakter

Some shading and face rigging tests.
I am pretty happy with the result, tried to get the same look in 3d like my 2D sketches.

Face rig on top of the rigify rig.

Some new charakters

Some holliday watercolor sketches.


Planning with Rhino (i love it).
Visual with blender.
Build with a lot of tools.

Excellent Sketchbook…
lover your animation work…
lover your sketchwork…
love your drafting abilities…
but above all I love the fact you are working from beginning to end on your projects…
so many of us get bogged down in the details and never see the whole project through…
Keep up the good work!!!