Thanks guys for the kind words,
some new colored doodles from the last days
sorry doble post please delete
Really nice stuff. It’s always interesting to see the whole process from initial sketches to the finished models.
I second Sebniemi on his comment, you seem to have a very firm grasp of character creation. Most importantly you have your own personal style which is not a small feat on its own!
The only critique I dare to give is, on your animation in the first page some of the camera movements seem a bit “mechanic”. I’m no animation specialist myself, so I’m not sure what to do about that - perhaps some slight shake / sway would help.
All in all, very impressive work, keep it up!
Thanks Irratium for the compliments.
You are absolutly right with your critique, but thats defently not the only one which needs a rework. The Animation is wonky, the lightning sucks (i achieved not a bit what i want as you can see in my color script that i start befor) and the rigging…pfff. It is very difficult to make a realy good short film.
her is the color script.
Anyway, her is my new pic from the last days.
I tried manga studio and i am really impressed of the features, only problem at the moment , the pen direction is not visible with the cursor.
Keep 'em coming!
It’s always inspiring to come back to your sketchbook.
Thx Orange, makes me proud that you enjoy my work.
A model from the sketch in post 38 ( the cowboy in the right corner ). I am really happy with the result, its far away from perfect but its defently better compared to my first models.
Wow, what beautiful style. Love the colours and art direction.
@3pointEdit thanks bro, some more gray sketches…color/gray contrast sketches will follow
sorry for all the non 3d stuff.
You are a very talented artist and I just loved the concepts and the 3d works. I’ll be following this thread for inspiration