Flower material

Hi, I’m trying to get a similar result to that:

and this is what I have so far (the petals, not the leaves):

I have no experience with plant materials and no idea what I’m doing.
thanks to @sozap I got this far:

any advice on material/lighting would be appreciated, thanks!

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Use the subsurface sub scattering parameters and a backlight


could you be more specific? I have absolutely no idea how to use the subsurface scattering

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more serious and with text so you ll not have some useless comments and hums.
And you ll not destroy the planet with video servers.

Hello !

You should get your hand on real textures, it’s super tricky to recreate flower / leaves pattern with only procedurals : https://www.textures.com/download/Flowers0196/29264

I also think the model lack a bit of randomness / displace to feel more natural…

That and a proper SSS should already bring you closer !


The lighting in your reference is much softer, and it looks like there’s volumetrics as well. Those elements will make a huge difference

Hi. Try this:
rose_displacement(b3.5).blend (966.4 KB)
You can create displacement (in geometry or render) to imitate the organic texture of the petals.

Thanks! sorry for the delay, I tried your advice and this is what I have so far:

I’m a bit rusty on materials, so it will probably take a while

Like I said before, one massive difference is your hard lighting:

Screen Shot 2023-10-13 at 11.38.14 AM
Screen Shot 2023-10-13 at 11.38.18 AM

No amount of materials are going to fix the fact that your reference image uses very soft lights and you are using very hard lights


could you please give me some advice or direct me to a tutorial on lighting?
I understand what you mean by soft lighting, but have no idea how to do so in blender.





Did you add SSS to it?

emm, how did you arrive at those Gamma values? Usually you would have to manipulate the lights of the scene and those parameters would be used as slight alterations to the image in the viewport.

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I would consider mixing sss and transmission, also depth of field will help to soften the image.

Quick test not a proper rose just to show the transmission.

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Wow, that looks great!
can you please send me the .blend file?
this is almost exactly what I’m trying to make (in the sense of how the light reacts and passes through)

Here you are;

Rose.blend (426.1 KB)

I have changed it a bit more, since the last post. The main thing with the light coming through is to use sss and transmission.

I want to use the coat to bring back the surface roughness but have not got that how I want it yet.


sorry for the late replay, it helped a lot, thanks!
I’m now trying to make the texture itself, this is what I’m aiming for:

I can get the gradient with an attribute from geo nodes (distance from edge) and the wrinkles would probably be noise voronoi textures scaled down on the angle in polar coordinates, and the veins just scream voronoi to me, but any idea or advice would be very welcomed

edit: the gradient is a bit more complicated, but shouldn’t be too hard😅

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I will have a go, I enjoy these challenges, but I have a lot of work this week so I might take a while.

The approach looks good, something I can suggest is adding a noise texture to distort the vector before the voronoi for the veins, to get more organic shapes.