For Modo user switching to Blender 2.8

  1. Pie Menu Editor, on gumroad or Blender Market,
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It’s definitely neat tool. In Modo I have custom RMB click context menu, I guess you can’t do that natively so I might have give that Pie Menu Editor a try.

You can do that. you can either append various custom entries to the context/RMB menu. Or you can build your own. Requires some python though. This is a popular one, not sure if it has been updated for 2.80.


Sorry to jump on this thread guys, but coming from modo I miss been able to toggle through verts,edges and faces with spacebar. Ive customised the heck out of blender 2.8 so I can flow with it but the toggling between verts, edges and faces is the only thing slowing me down when modelling. Is there a way this can be done? I woud appreciate any feedback. Thanks.

Tbh, I would advise trying to remove the habit of using the space bar for component toggle. I really wish Modo did not include that as it is not an optimal way to work. Modo also provided 1-3 keys for component selection with is a lot faster and more direct. This same approach exist in Blender.

There is also the option in blender to select vert, face and edge without having to switch between them, simply based on where you click on the mesh.

Hi, there is an overview for keys changing in Blender 2.8

Cheers, mib

I had a look through it. I do use the tab to use the pie menu to switch between the modes, so thats good, Just hoped a spacebar switch was available or able to map. Thanks though. Ive changed so many hotkeys where as im comfortable, the spacebar is the only one i miss. Its not the end of the world.

I think it comes down to experience. The space bar component mode helped me model really quickly in modo so it was personally beneficial. I have changed quite a few hotkeys in blender 2.8 since i began using it a week ago. I am comfortable in it please dont get me wrong. The spacebar toggle mapped like modo would have been a great addition to my modelling but its not the end of the world. Im ok with the pie modes menu. Just thought I might as well ask. You never know with blender. You can do so much.

This, and being able to cut/copy/paste geometry with the standard shortcuts were the two things I missed the most when I moved from Modo to Blender way back when. During the transition, I thought it sucked having to hit Ctrl+Tab to bring up my element selection over just hitting the spacebar to cycle through them. Eventually I got used to it, and with 2.8, hitting 1,2, or 3 to switch between them became second nature surprisingly quickly.

Though I have to admit that the latter is still something of a sore point for me, because even though I’ve gotten used to duplicating and separating with Shift+D and Y/P, then recombining with Ctrl+J, it’s all really not as smooth and intuitive as hitting ctrl+X/C/V. for whatever you want to do.

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Thanks Mate, i tried following the instructions from the link you game me but I could only toggle vertices on and off, not switch between them.

As a Modo veteran, I would love to be able to switch to Blender. I keep trying, but I am so firmly entrenched in the MeshFusion workflow at work and in game dev, that I am hard-pressed to give it up. It’s a killer modeling tool that I would LOVE to see a Blender equivalent of.

HardOps isn’t the same, but MESHmachine is closer with the boolean chamfer overlap stuff. Not completely there though, since you still need to do some boolean cleanup to the operations, which is a no go. That adds too much extraneous overhead to the modeling workflow.

Any plans to add similar functionality? I did see the Bevel After Boolean add-on that’s close, but it’s just too damn destructive right now.


Background constraint. :ok_hand:

I’d love to see this in Blender too. But I imagine it is a real complex tool to replicate in any app.

And it is because of this tool, I have been thinking about adding Modo.

I would say for now, switch over as much as you can to take advantage of some of Blender’s tools.

That probably won’t help you…lol

But I have been around modeling and 3D for some 20+ years and I can’t imagine something like Mesh Fusion just appearing anytime soon outside of Modo. It is just too advanced of a tool that as you well know had years of development even before it was included in Modio.

Well the thing is, it actually has appeared outside of Modo, amazingly enough. A 3rd-party plugin for Maya called HardMesh ( is nearly identical. A co-worker uses it and I can confirm the mesh result and workflow are almost exact, and I hear they have the plugin in beta for 3dsMax as well. So I continue to hold out hope that Blender could get something in the future.

Currently testing the beta. It is fantastic. It’s a modifier in Max and works flawlessly with all Max’s mods and procedural workflow. And yes, it is practically identical to Meshfusion(which I’ve used in the past) and uses the same non-destructive strips and normal transfers, with the bonus of the power on Max’s native modifier proceduralism.

Oh cool! I used Max for about 7 years before switching to Modo. Having MeshFusion abilities in the stack would be sexy. So yeah, any day now Blender…

Only other thing Blender needs is a fast and easy workplane. Hell, even Max has a plugin for that (miauu’s workplane).

I agree, that you probalbly won’t be seeing anything like MeshFusion or HardMesh in Blender any time soon. Certainly not as python based addon.

If Blenders boolean mod improves and somehow returns useful data, that can be used to pipe it in other mods, then we could do something. So maybe once everything nodes arrive, whenever that will be.

Edit: FWIW, In December, I’ve prototyped a fully procedal boolean-pipe-cut-bevel tool with proper custom normals in Houdini after using it for about a week, without any scripting:

That’s what I mean by ‘return useful data’, that we need in Blender to do the same.


Hmm good to know. Your demo of fuse decals looked similar-ish. Though without the actual beveled geo in between. I think I’d be ok with faking it, too.

Edit: Round edge shader is the only faked method I can’t get behind as it totally breaks with 90 degree corners. Not cool.

With the 3D cursors ability to now snap/orient to face normals and tools like Qblocker and Pablo D’s Blueprint the workflow can be replicated, more or less. Maybe Benjamin Sauder(or someone else) will port his Workplane addon to 2.80?