For Modo user switching to Blender 2.8

I don’t know, mate, I’ve gotten some pretty decent results baking these to a normal map in 2.80. This is baked:

Modo’s bevel shader is broken though. I spent a week testing a potential baking workflow in a recent version and vowed NEVER to return to Modo after that under any circumstances :smiley:

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Dang. Yeah Modo just kind of throws up when it tries to deal with corners.


Modo excellent program, why with the advent of the blender, many decided to switch to 2.8? Is it because modo is not developing?

Such a shame Luxology sold it off. It was a really exciting program back in 801. Seems like it has switched hands a few times now between various corporate profit squeezers under the Foundry banner. I firmly believe Modo will live a sad, lonely life and fade into obscurity in the next few years, and go the way of the Lightwave.


Blender actually can do that. (If you can afford the setup) :smile:

Very cool. Actually I am going to look into that now. Because I also use Maya. Very cool actually. Makes me glad I posted here. :slight_smile:

Still a long ways from happening in Blender, though - I think.

Have you thought about posting a separate thread on this?

See if someone has any plans to make one? Or at least boost the interest?

I’d thought about posting separately, but after what @MACHIN3 said about Blender’s lack of useful returned data, I’m not sure if that would be worth doing. And he clearly has a better handle on the steps required to perform such a feat than I do. I’m sure the topic will pop up again at some point.

Until then I think I’ve made up my mind and will attempt to force myself to use Blender (much like I did in my Max -> Modo switch) but port things over to Modo into MeshFusion for the more complex operations. We’ll see how that goes, haha.

Lol…yeah. welcome to my world.

Or you could go back to Max and grab Hard Mesh :wink:

Haha nah, reason I left Max was that it crashed 10 times a day on avg. Couldn’t handle it whenever we went into crunch at work. In contrast, Modo crashes once a week or less on avg, and only ever when I’m doing something with UV’s.

Actually there have been times where I start a project in Modo and forget to save initially and 10 days later, I realized it’s still “Untitled.lxo”. 10 days without a crash or corruption would be incredible for Autodesk programs haha.

It’s crazy, but I’ve had the exact opposite experience with Modo. Rigorously tested the latest from 1 year ago(first time using it since 801) and it was a nightmare. Crashed non-stop and the .fbx import/export to Max was completely unusable.

Max on the other hand has been rock-solid for me in 15 years of use. I can leave the same session running for a week non-stop, with 10 hour days of throwing it around with heavy scenes.

P.S - I replied on Artstation.:+1:

think of the monitor plane as a drafting table placed at 90 degrees.
Video always had a 2d plane standing vertical, where y is pointing up.
What was elevation (z) is considered depth (z) in video.

The thing that is quite lost here with these addons is that they work in certain contexts.

What is great about Modo’s default tool sets is that in many cases, it is universal in the app.

The process of adjust brush size and weights works the same in sculpting mode, weight painting, airbrush deformer, vertex painting or textures.

The workplane and snapping system will work for modeling tools, rigging (if needed) …virtually anywhere you would require them. They are not just for poly modeling.

Cut, copy, paste shortcuts are just straight from the default ones we are used to in basic operations in virtually any app or operating systems. So why reinvent the wheel and inject these truncated methods in 3D apps is beyond me. Modo tries to use them universally where possible and it works fabulously.

Blender’s UI, workflow and UX still has a long way to go before it becomes intuitive enough for most people to pickup, seasoned or otherwise.

I am not talking about doing a direct 1:1 translation of modo’s (or Maya, Max Houdini etc) workflows in Blender, but of the intuitiveness of Blender’s philosophy, which is lacking in some areas, and in some cases , in areas that are fundamental to working in DCC apps.

Thankfully the industry standard key map has alleviated some of that.

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Ive used modo for years. After v11 i just couldnt see the new features of each incremental worth hanging around for, but I hung in there, love modo. The community forum dried up and although I see on artstation some artists pulling off some great concept art with modo, i kept asking myself “could i achieve the same in blender?” Everytime I opened it and saw that cube and trying to navigate etc etc I just found it really got on my nerves. Then when the 2.80 release candidate began I thought about trying blender again. I got a modo 13 theme and began to try my modo modelling workflow. Everytime I hit a wall, I either changed hotkeys to suit me or I went online to find an addon or solution. Which lead me down a path of discovery. Not only of the possibilities with addons but I discovered some great artists and passionate people who create addons for blender. 2 weeks in and im actually loving blender. I have it linked to zbrush and substance painter. Ive got e-cycles, pro render and Redshift is on the cards so they say (I have a license so im exited about that). There is so many things you can do in blender it can be overwheming. Ive found myself getting addons just to try, keeping some, deleting others but all in all I feel like im actually having fun in 3D again. Apologies for the rant. Its late here in the uk.


I have to say that pretty much everything you described regarding the universal aspects from tool to tool within Modo works exactly the same relatively in Blender. And this has been the case ever since I have used Blender going back over 10 years.

There are some small exceptions in some cases, only when it makes some sense. And some small cases where it doesn’t. Right off. And I would say it is far from perfect.

Is there something specifically that you did not find so in Blender?

You will not find modo-like Edge Slide in blender. Slide loop/edge for specific length (mm), only value from -1 to 1. The only thing that you have squared mesh and can slide along x,y,z by clicking G+(X,Y,Z)+Metric value.
If you like modo for its ability to accurately indicate the length, then in blender you will feel left out.
And one another large annoying thing, that if you run tool then click on view to rotate for better look and then drag tool again, it will apply new value.


I think you missed the point of my post. But aside from that those are probably valid observations.

This is the method I’m using at the moment for length precision. It might not be the most elegant way but it works. Holding down shift while adjusting the slide helps too. :slight_smile:

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Yea, I know this “solution”, and this is so horrible and take so many time, that I switched out to modo…
Don’t know any 3d software that have not precisely measurement.
I think it’s a big lose for blender, and one of the thing that blender not attractive to others 3d modelers.

Yeah currently in Blender it seems to be a percentage of the distance. This has never been an issue for me. But that is simply because I have not found the need for precision movement with edge slide.

It is a good point though. But I would not call it a deal breaker for most modeling.