For Modo user switching to Blender 2.8

Things I miss about Modo.

-Linear Falloff: In Blender I use Shear, lattice, and pivot point on active selection, but it’s not quite what I want.

  • Info Panel: In Blender I use Batch Operations 2 add-on but that is mainly to clean up modifiers. Blender still isn’t close to the mass amount of selection options for scene maintenance. For example I don’t know how to select all instanced/linked Geo in Blender.

Most other things I have been able to replicate in some manner with my own scripts or just got use to a different way of working.

It’s sad Modo development has stagnated so long. I switched to Modo when XSI died.


You can use Proportional Editing with Project from View option. But that is also different because, you have to choose a pertinent viewpoint, first. And there is no custom curve for a custom falloff.

To have more freedom, in blender, you have to use modifiers.

All Deform modifiers can be influenced by vertex groups. And a vertex group can be set-up to correspond to any falloff.
It is possible to create falloffs using geometry nodes.

In viewport, in object mode, shortcut for Select Linked is Shift L > Instanced Collection or Library (object data)
In outliner, call right click menu on a datablock to find Select Linked.
Another shortcut to know is Shift G for select similar.
It allows to select all objects in same collection. But that is also possible through right click menu in outliner.
In outliner, it is possible to filter items by name.
You can select them in viewport by a common pattern in their name, through Select menu > Select Pattern.

It’s possible to make a fall-off in Blender but for my usage it needs to be as fast and easy to use as the shear tool to be comparable to Modo. Using a lattice deformer add-on is the closest I can get.

I tried your suggestions for linked objects and I can’t get it to work. In my example I start with 6 cubes. 3 cubes I duplicate linked and move for a total of 9 cubes. How do I select only the linked cubes. I am only able to selected one pair of linked objects.

I suppose that you are using an addon that automates lattice creation.
Otherwise, using proportional editing from view is fastest.
It corresponds just to 2 clicks to enable options, a view change and operator execution.
On the other hand, lattice workflow, without automation, requires to create vertex group, switch modes, add, set up and apply a modifier, create, adjust and edit a lattice object.

That is normal to end up with one pair selected, if you created 3 pairs.
Duplicate Linked is an operation that creates objects similar to original objects.
Duplicates are not considered as another type or objects with a particular property.
They are just objects sharing same mesh data. But you can add different modifiers to them, for example.

If you want to consider them as a group of objects to select, you have to group them, first, by putting them in a collection.
Ultimate instance type, is an instance of collection.
On an instance of collection, that is not possible to change modifier settings.

It can always be better. But in general I think its the fastest 3d program with the best performance, especially the UI is super responsive. It can be optimized yes. But I spend 4 years testing all products to choose my future software and I run into so many issues in nearly all Apps. Blender has won the contest for me and my work out of many reasons.
It was a surprise, also for me. But its also not easy to compare. Just pushing objects around is just a small case of usage. Editing mesh was more important for me and here 3dsmax, Maya, Houdini and C4D all loose against Blender. So I rather work with less objects, but more complex mesh. And geo nodes are my groups.


Interesting. Haven’t used Modo since 2016 and Max/Ciniema/Maya even longer.
But Blender performance is generally an issue many people bring up.

Depending on what you do. There is a reason why there is no one best software. So, people would be surprised, if you really compare how different software is. I had a Cad import with 180k objects in C4D running absolute smooth. No other app could handle that amount. But when I imported a mesh with 50.000 polygons and had to split it into the 15 shaders it had, it took 5 min. Thats do to overlapping selection tags, used for shaders. Total mess to work with. Also high poly mesh are terrible in C4D, also 3dsmax is very slow here and if you add a SubD to a 50k model it get laggy on editing. No software is as fast on SubD the Modo and Modos replicators are also brutal fast. Basically the only two thing Modo beats everyone else.
Maya also quite slow on Mesh Editing and Houdini even worse. But then I also know no one who models in these two. So its again a usage case.

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A basic question …

How can I made Blender to only select Objects that are really
inside the Marquee, not also when overlapping ?

I don’t think there’s a way to change it so that the marquee only selects the elements inside it. I thought there was, but after scouring the settings panel, and doing a bit of googling, it doesn’t seem to be the case.

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By making some noise to get this patch moving forward… :laughing:


That is exactly what I would like.

I was a bit astonished that Blender Selection really works like this (only)
Have never seen that before in 3D Apps. I think Blender offers more
such right click select like oddities …

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Strangely enough, it acts more like Photoshop/Illustrator than anything. They’re also set to select anything that intersects with the marquee.

It is too long since I have last time seen Illustrator.

But I still really do miss much Modo inside Blender.
It is its basically “near” CAD like philosophy in Modeling.

I will never ever get used to C4D’s Add Object style of adding
something of (more or less) arbitrary dimensions at a
(more or less) arbitrary location and “repair” it afterwards.
Versus CAD or Modo’s create an Object in place and at desired
I am also not a big fan of Objects+Modifiers, history based Modeling,
parametric Modeling and even worse Nodes.
I am a real fan of destructive Modeling since Modo - when you have
the Tools to easily modify, as in Modo.

Basics like Selections and Modeling in Modo, once used to, felt right
and was so fast and intuitive.

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I never got the excitement when Modo brought parametric Modeling.
Of course I do love parametric working with Objects like Windows,
Doors, Walls, Slabs in BIM for making changes.
But not parametrically creating such complex objects from scratch.
Exaggerated, but for me that is a bit like doing CAD from Terminal.

Same for excitement for Nodes.
E.g. Materials. Why that extra abstraction of text boxes that look
all similar while each working pretty different, having different 2D
positions on screen each time,
versus a nice ordered Material Editor, which you get used to and
develop some muscle memory.
Modo’s Shader tree was already a bit of (1D) Nodes but I think
it was ok.

I could agree to to go into a Node Manger once the complexity
exceeds the limits of a (simplifying to make it easier to use)
Material Editor, which is already capable of doing 95% of
use cases.

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Another example of my Blender problems is Modo’s Extrude+Inset,
repeatable and at a time.

Or Move/Rotate/Scale.
Seems like most users like to do it by pressing “G”+“Y” and such,
where the Cursors isn’t connected to the Object.
Thank god Blender has a 3D Gizmo, but somehow that does
not work for me as expected either.

Maybe because of Blender’s strange snapping behavior.
You can’t grab a object by snapping at a certain Vertex and drag
it to another snap point (?)
But e.g. with Move by “G”, without Cursor contact, an Object will
arbitrarily move around and snap arbitrarily (for me!) or align
to other objects.

Maybe I am just doing everything wrong.

therefore another easy basic question …

Say i Move “G” someting along an Axis by pressing “Y”,
I want to move it 10 m.

When and how I can input a concrete number/dimension ?

What would be the “timing” and exact “order” for my inputs

Look at Select X-Ray addon, it has such option for box selection (and lasso also).

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It’s depend on your scene units.

  • If units - millimeters
    then G + Y + 10 = moving by Y on 10 mm

  • if units - meters
    then G + Y + 10 = moving by Y on 10 m

You need to choose snap from active vertex

if you need to do it in Object mode then look at CAD Transform addon

If you use Inset face(i keymap) by default it inset but with ctrl holding it extrude.

Another tip:
if you have setup your snap settings, you can use it without activation snap icon, by holding ctrl when moving


Great tips APEC !
I will try.

All yes, but all points tweaked with Blender. Shortcuts, selection an context sensitive tools with kekit. There the bevel works almost like in Modo. It does an inset and when holding ctrl an extrude.

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OK, lets say i default to meters ?

When (or where ?) exactly I should enter 10 ?