hello everyone,
here is a small, lonely island in the middle of a forest lake - completely made in blender/cycles (and a little color correction in photoshop).
for the fog, i created a modular, procedural volume shader, which is applied to simple boxes.
i used the following real picture from juan davila as a reference:
have a good start into the week!
EDIT 25.12.2019
Hello everyone,
thank you again for the great interest and your kind comments.
I apologize for taking so long to get back to you.
in the following i would like to give you a short overview of the scene:
for the scene i used numerous particle systems. the landscape in the background uses a selection of five different, low-resolution tree models i created before. additional variation was achieved by random rotation and scaling.
the trees in the foreground I created separately and individually with the help of the blender-addon “the grove”. it was very important to me to stay close to the reference photo. afterwards I imported and placed the models and assigned an individual foliage to the empty particle systems.
the grasses and small bushes on the island are also composed of numerous particle systems, which i control using vertex painting.
the fog:
creating the fog was a real challenge for me. in the run-up to the project i experimented with different approaches. in view of the necessary flexibility and adaptability, i decided to use a procedural shader. by shifting the texture depending on the coordinates of the assigned object, i was able to add, scale and overlap different beams.
the boxes marked in the screenshot all contain the same fog texture and together they create a closed fog atmosphere.
who is interested can download my demo-setup here: fog.blend (697.1 KB)
the lighting of the scene is really simple.
i only use one ordinary sunlight and a gradient texture as environment-light.
in order to cut the light rays atmospherically, i have placed a box in the non-visible area.
thats all.
finally some info about the rendering process.
because of the fog i limited myself to pure cpu-rendering. in this case it’s just much more perfomanious. the volume settings in the render-tab are limited to a step-size of 20m with max. 64 steps.
the final rendering is done with only 256 samples. the rest is done by the new denoising-node insinde the compositor.
I hope I’ve answered everyone’s questions so far.
all the best