Fracture addon for 2.5

Been playing with this add-on inside the new 2.5 svn build very cool indeed.

I’ve just noticed that the Projectile asset has been addedback into the script on the SVN add-on.

Now I wonder if you can paint the sticky-ness of the fractures…

maybe i’m retarded or something but can someone post a video of running the script in 2.5? I have no idea what I am doing… lol

same for me would like to see a small video to show how to use this for 2.5!

and if possible that we can download to look at it a few times to learn it

keep up the good work
happy 2.5

Any tips on using projectile and bomb parts of the fracture script in 2.5?

Great plugins, it’s some really neat stuff!
One question, how would you change the feel of the shards? For example, if I want to make concrete fracture, I want the shards to feel heavier, with very little bounce. Is there any way to change the mass or bounce of the objects? (Using 2.5)


Physics is handled in the game engine. Adjust the mass and friction of the objects in the BLender Game (from the render button on the top bar)

Can you tell how to copy physics properties from one piece of fractured object to others? I didn’t found this in linking…

I know how to set them all at first (non-fractured) object. Then pieces will have the same properties after executing “Fracture object”… BUT! Then when I’m running the game engine pieces explodes. And there is no bomb. Setting pieces manually don’t give 'em power to explode immediately :))

Actually I found that it can be caused by pieces’ overlaping or (maybe) duplicating … Looks fine if to move all pieces away from each other. Then they just fall.

yeah setting in th game engine might be able to fix that. But I am no expert

Hello, linking game physics properties isn’t still possible, but I just want to say I have updated the script and have it on another computer right now, so will post a working version in 2 or 3 days, there were again some changes in the api which caused things not to work. There will be also possibility to create voronoi cells now, but sadly the booleans don’t work well with them, so they now actually don’t work well for splitting…

Thank you, Pildanovak! I’ll definitely try the script when you’ll post it.
Can you include the 2d section in your add-on? Fracturing by image is also very useful I think. Just saw the video where a ball hits a glass with drawn “net” of crackles… and this was very impressing! Very many cool effects in films were maked by fake. And maybe they looks great because artist just “drawn” 'em. Human knows better what looks better to his eyes :slight_smile:

Sincerely, I also think that in production image based splitting would be very good, and only reason why i didn’t port it yet is the fact that access to image data isn’t possible yet with the api(or I don’t know about that). I allready thought about doing that through some external image library, but that would be probably a waste of time, since I expect this feature to be added to the api soon.
After that, the conversion from the 2.49 should be really fast.

By the way… What do you think about “cutting the corners” in “crackle simulation’s” race? I mean… what if to generate some “rough” crackles looking like spider’s nets with some inputs for user tweaking?
Tried to just write it by words but it’s not right :slight_smile:

(sorry that it’s so big - my first image was lost. if nobody want this - I’ll delete it)

Sorry, my letters are rough like these circles :smiley:
I’m not too competent about Voronoi algorythm but I think that MAYBE it’s not very fast for generating things like these. And something tells me that generating about 5000 points by “fake fracture” algorythm will not be slow for a “medium” computer.
Real generation will be just for a first “net” array. Other (inner) parts may be just it’s rotated and scaled copies.
I’m not talking about a “very nice” look but about some nice prism like pieces. In my head it looks pretty much natural… or I wouldn’t have did that painted “note” :wink:
P.S. I’m ready to decipher that painted mess.

Maybe this is a problem unique to OSX, but this isn’t working for me. I was able to get 0.4 working in 2.49b, but can’t get 0.5 working in 2.5. It installs properly and the “fracture object” and “fracture object (group)” show up in the search menu, but when I select a cube and try to run the operator, nothing happens. I tried to run from the command line to see if there were any Python errors, but with no luck. It seems that the .blend file that is in the same directory as the .ZIP was intended for use with Blender 2.49b as it still uses “import Blender” instead of “import bpy”. Is there a short example somewhere of Python code that uses the fracture operators straight from code?

jpswensen for 2.5 enable the fracture add on in the user prefreneces

just like to say I appreciate your great work on this and these update posts about how it’s going, look forward to playing with it (whenever it’s ready) in the final builds of 2.5. Finding my SVN builds a little adventurous to use reliably for special FX etc, will stick with 2.49 and such till then!

I’m having the same issue as Mitso. I’ve tried it on Vista and Windows 7, both running x64. I’ve even tried a newer test build of Blender, but every time I hit P the program immediately crashes. Any help?

I switched to a 32bit version and no problems.

I’ll give that a try and see what happens, thanks!

Hello everyone, I mado some little tweaks to make things work again, and added voronoi tiles generation(but they don’t work properly with fracture :frowning: because of boolean bugs…)

Moolah, your idea is actually quite nice. It’s what is the Fracture object (Group) operator. You can make any group of objects(like spherical shapes you drawed), and if you make a group of them, you can use them to fracture a source object all at once. But I could consider how to generate such shapes, it wouldn’t have to be very hard.

For more, read the updates in the first post. Also, i don’t have much time to investigate how to get things into svn, so if anybody with svn access to extensions stops by, please feel free to put it to svn.

booleans again…