My short look:
I’m using a Mac / BigSur (Latest version)
Tenacity, I haven’t been able to figure out how to install from the Git Hub. Audacity meets my (minimal) needs for now
DaVinci Resolve is like Final-Cut-Pro, at some point there’s a $ 299 price tag. If whatever they’re offering for free works all well and good.
Agama Materials looks like it may be Windows
Haven’t looked at Ardour yet.
PhotoGimp seems to either require GIMP or require GIMP via Flatpak. Either way. Installing PhotoGimp seems to require Flatpak which seems to work exclusively for Linux - best I can tell or try (Brew, MacPort, Apple store - nada, zip, nothing)
Apple Motion, seems to be paired with Final-Cut-Pro every time I look for it, short of the Apple Store, which sells it for $ 49.99. But, if it requires or recommends Final-Cut-Pro for optimum use, Final-Cut-Pro is $ 299 including Apple Motion if that’s an essential rather than optional pairing means $ 350 (ballpark); Final-Cut-Pro comes up short against Adobe After Effects in just about every way that matters in at least one review. And most Final-Cut-Pro tutorials are “Beginner’s Tutorials” compared to Adobe After Effects specific step by step tutorials, leaves me thinking that, if Final-Cut-Pro (or even Motion) are acceptable alternatives, I would consider it really useful to be able to find comparable Apple to Apple comparatives of how to do (maybe not all, but some) After Effects Tutorials using Final-Cut-Pro or Motion rather than finding out the hard way that perhaps neither is a feature to feature comparable alternative to After Effects after the money is spent
So far Oceanside Audio looks like something that will work for Mac, but, I’m not sure (not having downloaded it or tried it) if it’s a better alternative or just an alternative, maybe Reaper too - haven’t looked at that yet.
Diffractor runs on Windows. I have a Mac.
Rebelle, in head to head comparisons comes up short compared to PhotoShop as do most of the other applications. I’m already using Pixelmator Pro, PhotoscapeX, Affinity Designer / Photo, Procreate IPad, Gimp, Krita (for G’Mic wihich Gimp hasn’t figured out yet and better than Natron which is node based and not nearly as simple or convenient as the interface for Gimp or Krita (and Krita v5.0 has G’Mic built in by default) and Pinta for simple edits. None of them is perfect.
On a Mac, I’m using Vector Styler, Affinity Designer, Inkscape and SuperVectorizer Pro for Vector edits and conversions.
- Megascans? I’m using Blenderkit currently for my needs in comparable areas. It’s sufficient and affordable.
That’s as far as I’ve gotten so far. Adobe’s plan is a non-starter. And Apple’s “In-App Purchases” are the death of 1,000 cuts. Looks like everyone, even Public TV is going the same way with pay for play.
On apple store, if I have to spend money, I do some research first and go for the once and done purchases. The kind that don’t keep informing me that, for just a little more… every other day reminders.
Blender is “free” then there’s BlenderMarket, Gumroad, Patreon and other additional functionality sites and products.
Pretty soon it all starts to add up. Do you have to? No. But, at 66, I’m a little old to be learning it all and doing it all short of some help. And Blender being keyboard intensive leaves my memory a little strapped most days.
Not that there is or are any better “free” alternatives (OpenScad / FreeCad come in handy, if for no other reason than conversions and what Kit Wallace offers for OpenScad).
I did tech support for 20 years. So, it’s not all Greek to me, but, it’s still a LOT.
I don’t know that I want to keep up with the Jones’ for much longer. They may just have to carry on without me.