Free Rig, Plus Potential Job Opportunity

@ marceze

Your welcome :smiley: just remember, that this isnt the offical release yet, so maybe you should wait a few days (as they said theyre releasing it soon) But if you dont want to wait, be prepared for some possible glitching…(as i have already found one :P)

Think I’ll give this a shot, Ben, though being across the pond means it’ll probably have to be remote. But I’m comfy with that if you are. Interview could be by Skype video if that’s acceptable.

Hey Ben,
just saw it and replied :slight_smile:
No worries, I’ve ended up using/creating something different but still, your rig is very useful to learn from!


Thanks for sharing this amazing rig.
I have done a simple animation tests.

Cheers. :smiley:

Fun little animation Windraman!

Hey awesome rig… I downloaded yesterday and made a quick exercise. This short animation took me a couple hours, but I’ll make something more refined later. Even so I wanted to share with you my exercise, hope you all enjoy. For more of my work and some cool blender tutorial check out my website: .And thanks Ben for sharing the rig and your awesome website.

@Windraman: That’s looking cool! The trip looks very convincing.

@niuarts: Great stuff. Nice job with the lip synch. The facial rig is pretty basic so well well done - did you modify it at all?