Full scene is now available for download. All assets are either free or I have done them myself, so help yourself.
Please leave a comment or contact me directly if you find any problems with the file.
[edit] I made a short video presenting the design and posted it on Youtube. It’s my first, so don’t expect much
I was also thinking about making a real walkthrough in EVEE, but don’t have time to do so. If any of you would like to help me out then feel free to contact me directly.
[edit] Behind the scenes is now available on Blender Nation. I have linked there to some start files and materials that I used in this project.
Thx! GIF was made as a afterthought without any postprocessing and with very low samples. I was aiming at highly compressed look that’s why I left most of the noise. As Ian Hubert would say - “just make it blurry!”.
Also the render from this angle was the least realistic, so I wanted to guide the attention of the viewer to the animation with “compression artefacts”. You can check the whole article on my website.
ok this is absolutely stunning and mind blowing…just one small thing… consider switching off the light bulbs in the bedroom scene… as if u think abt it why would anyone have lights on during saylight… i understand creatuve freedom but just a small thought… mind blowing indeed !!!