Futuristic Vehicle

The biggest most awesome thing that could happen is if the owner of toyota saw this;)

oh snap!

that’s amazing!!! :slight_smile:

OMG! Your amazing. i have only just started and having trouble even doing a basic guide…
but thats ok i making a ds game so most of it is going to be low poly.

hi i have never used quick reply before so sorry for the double post if my name shows up…

wow amazing!!! 5* dude

wow your work is absolutely great keep it up will definatly like to see more of what you can do

This makes me wonder how I could ever be as good as that; I can’t make anything better than a snowman!! you’ve got to be one of the greatest blender artists EVER!

this is absolutly amazing!!! Great modelling, design and colors!!!

Just don’t like the keyboard on the inside .

The rest of it looks fantastic .

Im glad to see some new talented artists arround here

this is really a model tyhat makes me have the WOW-effect!
super modelling!
but… somehow it looks a bit miniature?
awesome work though! 6* if i could give that.

Nice job is done.I really like it. Just keep it up.

another compliment,

good job you’ve…i do love to see how you combine the colours. and how you make transparent glass?

jaw drops…nnnnnggg.
I wanna play with it!! You should sell that concept to a toy manufactuer!

You’re amazing. Holy cow. WOW. yikes. speechless.

better apply it into real life. *please don’t use petrol cause petrol price already increase nowadays…:no::no::no:

I didnt post in this thread for a while but WOW. Great work. I love it. Only one thing, How did u make it so shiny and glossy?(can i see your materials or something).

padfoot7726: haha no i doesn’t go backwards. Jet planes look the same way its just that there is no opening on the back of these engines like jet planes have.

Thanks everyone else for all your comments. I did share the red body material on the WIP thread which there is a link to on page one in my first post. Thanks.


amazing man…I wish one day I’ll be half as good!:wink:

Jaw dropping WOW! definetly should be used in a movie!

the lightning is so nice, cant believe its rendered with Blender Internal!
the new color of the vehicle is even better, not thaaaat much red :slight_smile: