Game Engine improvements with Bullet Physics & OGRE graphics

Very cool Erwin. I guess “buoyancy” won’t make it into 2.43, how about maybe 2.44?

I asked moderator to make this topic sticky, be there is no-one around.

Does anyone know where BgDM (Moderator) is, or how to reach him?
I tried both PM and email, none works. his last posting is 30 November.

Blender 2.43 (or is it 2.5?) is going to really rock with this.
Thanks Erwin, only thing is, my computer doesn’t really have internet connected to it so I can’t really download it directly to my computer.

Erwin. I know this version is alpha. But does it also contain the NON GE things that are in the cvs such as the sculpt mode and retopo?

So what does this do? Noob here I dont get all the fancy talk…(Yet)

:smiley: STICKY THIS THREAD PLEASE! It is awesome and the whole world should know.

Wait a second! This means we can do realtime human physics? Like CS-Source and stuff? :smiley:

Thanks, but please post problems related to Bullet physics + Blender here:


This is so great! I can’t wait for the final build of 2.43! I really appreciate your work here, Erwin…

Blender 2.43 Preview 8 is for download:

  • Rigidbody constraint location/axis can be visualized
  • some recent-introduced crashes have been fixed
  • different handling of ‘dynamic-only’ (without rigidbody rotation)

Erwin : The rigitbody_constaint file from physics_2.43_test_files it’s not working as it expected. The hinge constraint in general it’s not working right.

cool! I’m gonna test it out now… thanks for all the updates and stuff…

and haramanai i don’t have any problems with the hinge thing are you sure you’re using it right?

scabootssca : Are you sure you don’t have any problems? I just tested it at another machine also with XP and the problem is the same.

Hinge works fine for me except when a lot of objects are constrained to just one object (ex. 10 cubes - rigid body constraint - hinge - to one cube), then everything just starts flying around after a second or two.

the new CVS is awesome - the SSE2 vertion gives me something like a 35% performance gain in game engine!

For us non-game engine people who would like to use physics for animation - what improvements are there here for us?

Rigid bodies for arbitary meshes that don’t conform to set bound types have never worked well for me. Then I’ve always had the problem of having everything “explode” when there are many rigid bodies to be simulated (ie they all fly apart even though they aren’t touching at the start).


koba you are just setting it up wrong… read the tuts on how to setup physics simulations… there are some good ones on the blender wiki…

physics objects can’t intersect… if things are flying apart then they are too close togethor and you probally have the wrong collisions bounds set for your objects… remember it’s trying to calculate a physically correct simulation based on mass and gravity, if any of these are too high then you will have tremendous forces pushing objects away from each other… (think of newtons laws of physics–) which is a very complex thing to do simulate, physics engines are unlikely to work 100% perfectly…

…so the new stuff as Erwin already mentioned, at the beginning of this thread…! is an interface for setting up phyics contraints… think of hinges for doors… axels for wheels… and ball and socket joints… so you could build chains… signs that blow in the breeze… anything that needs a hinge…as well a ragdolls… also new is compound objects… so you should be able to have objects with low centers of gravity… like those toys you push over and they stand up again… or big heavy war axes that tumble thru the air…ie. heavy axehead and a light handle… when thrown would produce this kind of motion…

what would be awesome now would be a fracture system like in the havoc physics engine… but I’m sure that Erwin has plans for that eventualy when he has time…

Please update to preview9. The constraint setup now uses euler angles in degrees (range -360 to 360) instead of radians (-3.14 to 3.14). Now you can specify 90-degree angles properly and precise.

Download binary or Win32 / Mac OS X Intel:

Thanks Appolonius for the feedback,

thanks for the update Erwin… got some sweet new functions there!

Wow! Blender + Ogre + Bullet is like a bless from the Gods of the Game Engines, now i can do some serious stuff. :smiley: