General AI Discussion

Many people on instagram are getting thousands of likes and comment for an AI generated art , They did not even made . they just typed in words thats it . People are selling prints , midjourney AI NFTS by making a gif or video animation . This thing is sick seriously :thinking:. Time to shut down photoshop artists and illustrators atleast . Yeah I totally understand midjourney can not make 3d models , vector art but yeah it has enough potential to replace illustrators artists in general . but at the end you will have only images which furthur cannot be modified . What if in future we are getting genereated fbx,illlustrator or photoshop files :smile:

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By the time that is possible, you will not be the one generating those images. AI will do it all. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think making a whole movie or game where you as an art director can influence things in a sufficiently granular way is a lot further off than making more specialized AIs that can analyze and recreate simpler things such as an animation for a camera.

I’m getting paid for stuff I want to do… but I’m not self-employed
I just hear: I just dont want to work for my money as Artist xD
In Fact, you are right for people who are self- employed, but how far can it go?
Who needs you as human being if the AI is replacing the work you are going, your grandkids getting homeless xD
Costumer dont need people for art if every untalented fleshmass with internet excess can recreate your personal style… xD

There already are language trained AI that could learn how to create prompts for generating AI art. All it requires is someone to put all those pieces together for it to run on its own at that point. By the time AI is advanced enough to do what you described you will likely not even be a part of the equation.

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Nobody wants to work for money. Everybody would much rather get free money and do other stuff than things customers want.

Yes. Like everything else that can be sufficiently automated. If AI (or automation in general) goes in the wrong direction our grand kids will be homeless. If it goes in the right direction they won’t know what employment is because working for money will be a silly concept. And between these two extremes there is specturm of inbetweens.

Yeah, until then. Before then there should be enough room for all kinds of human operated AI tools within 3D applications.

It seems we have an overall different motivation in life in general.
I’m really enjoying my work as designer and getting paid for it, even getting rises for good work etc is great. In fact I have more joy doing 3D for money, because money is the religion numero uno :smiley:
I’m getting bored after a small amount of vacation…
And btw… I have a Real Life, Friends, hobbies etc. but my work is a hobby, where I’m getting paid for and Im sorry for people, who dont experience this…

The money don’t care about any direction my friend. Car industry, really great example for the good and bad site of automation…
Pro and cons are in fact obviously

Eh, you probably don’t need money specificially. You just need something that triggers your reward center. If you have unlimited money you can work for instagram likes or some other kind of “applause”.

Regarding the car industry and the “good” and “bad” parts of automation: There you said it yourself. There are “good” outcomes of automation and “bad” outcomes. So it seems you are agreeing.

Not true in the slightest. Some people in fact do enjoy working.


It’s just temporary, and will even itself out. Average AI art will quickly become abundant and people will see it as worthless. If they can just type in a few words, why would they pay for it when they can generate it themselves for free.

Unique and creative work will still be desired, at least for a few years until AI tech learns to produce more specific results from more specific prompts.

Ultimately, I see it as a good thing though. Most talented people will just be able to achieve more. Things many people can’t currently do, because they’d have to hire entire teams of people they can not afford, will become pointless.

For example many artists have given up on the idea of making their entire own short movie, because it just takes too much time and effort, so unless they want to burn through all their savings to work on it, they’d have to hire a team of people, which they can’t afford. Now, that AI will be able to replace essential artists, you can finally become a director. It will allow people who make individual assets and animations for animated movies to make animated movies themselves. And artists who make individual models and code for games to again create whole games themselves.

The people who will suffer the most are those, whom only wanted to learn the bare minimum to get paid for the job, but never strived to actually improve themselves or chase some bigger vision.

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If you offered 9 billion people free money for the rest of their lives, how many, do you estimate, would reject it?

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You never experienced a really good job and any kind of reward from this… or am I wrong here?
Doing things for likes and Social Media is the cheap way… like a drug… searching for more likes… more range… more rewards
I’m just fine with my job I like and love, good feedback from costumer about my products and good feedback about my work in general. A simple “good work jerry” is far better than 100 or 1000 likes from strangers from the internet. They have no value… money has :smiley:

Simple Question:
Would you be more pissed by getting replaced by a machine or by another human with better skills in your job? In both ways, it simply says: your are not worth the money xD
But i would be less pissed by getting replaced by another human with better skill


To be honest at this point, how many people would do their work for Free?
Your view results in a collapse of society xD but who cares… is far off topic


Heh, no I have very good job and enjoy it very much. However, I would rather spend my time on my own stuff and not on stuff clients want. The necessary reward is money because I need it for, you know, money stuff.
The other reward is that I get to make cool stuff. However, the cool stuff reward would be a lot higher if I made my own stuff as opposed to stuff for companies.
I don’t care much about the “applause” aspect anymore. It used to be important to me back in my 20s or something but it faded. However, this type of reward can be gotten via other means.

As for being replaced: I would love to be replaced by a machine under the right circumstances. See the good and bad possible outcomes of automation. But that is a long way off.
As for being replaced by another human. Well, i get replaced by other cheaper or better humans here and there. Customers come, some stick and others move on to other 3D artists. While usually not desirable it is not the end of the world either. So I would not “be pissed” in either case.


Why? Machines make necessities for humans. Humans do whatever they want to do. Seems quite the opposite of collapse.

Ok, If everybody has enough money… who the hell would program the machine? Nobody would care, because no reward for the work… why even bother?
In the end we have a Wall-E like scenario, lazy fat people in flying chairs xD

Idealy a machine would program the machine.

At this point, where is the need of any human? xD Remind me of Love Death and Robots
Let’s end this here :wink: We have our points xD


There is no need. That is a feature, not a bug. Hence you can do whatever you want to because you don’t need to do anything. It is like being exceptionally rich.

But obviously all of this is a far off utopia and has little to do with current AI.