GeNiTale III

Wow…good improvments here…The hair on the hand should be much lighter i think.

Sick! But awesome modeling! :slight_smile: LOL

I agree the hair is to heavy and black.

yes thanks a lot…

I’ve actually an integration problem between the scène and the caracter… I will work the texture after that.
At the moment, I want to make a sufocating atmospher…

some blood/flesh/metal something around eye to go with rest of body?!

Excellent materials.

Hey hey then next steps…
The tunel… with fabric material tubes and lights… hihi love blender…

I thinks the last update…

Too shiny! Other than that, fantastic and scary! Great image!

Wow, great image.

A small comment on the tubes on top: you can see the segmentation where they bend, this somehow disturbes the otherwise perfect modelling.


Nice, i think if the flesh is damp or clammy, that reflection is fine!

Yes it’s the fact.
flesh is clammy… At the begining I thought to set the monsters on a sewer.

Good work, I am now having problems with breakfast :eek:
So you will do an animation with this, so we will see the full scene and then a closeup of the little creatures? I love the background scene, just wondering if the liquid is too reflective - shouldn’t it be muddier, less mirrored?

I can’t even begin to attempt this kind of work - top notch!:cool:

Awesome creatures and great materials CyaNn!
If you don’t mind I think you could work on making them more believble - for example I think they should have some kind of electro engine (tiny one) on their back which drives their mechanical legs(fingers). And maybe some sign of remote controlling device (so they are manipulated by some evil genius). The tubes with blood doesnt look good just stabbed into the flesh (although they are great shaded and modeled) - so the engine could have another role - recirculating the blood in their rotten bodies:eyebrowlift2:

its good that i ate breakfast before seeing the last update ;p

i like eyes so reflective
im curious on light setup

Lighting setup is simple

2 Main lights First white full power with ray traced shadows and length limit, second orange half power

2 back light, one blue second white

1 bump light (white 1/4 power) just to see bump

After that I’ve add a hdri map on world to make reflectivity
AO in both mode and added in post production

I get all maps (specular, color, render, shadows, AO, reflexions, refractions) in photoshop and I shake… Here is the result.

Actually I test fluid simulation into blender to make some slime and add eye lashes and more stufs into the eyes to make more realistics.

here is the last image of this genitale project

FINISHED… well cool 8)

AMAZING! The only thing i think is wrong with it is that the skins to shiny