Geo-Scatter - 5.4 Scatter Groups

your best option is jacque lucke addon, object scatter
it is made just for that. but well it’s not particle systems, but if you just need to paint some assets, it will fit you well

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Hi there,
I’m considering to buy the add-on. Is it possible to use it with a different render engine, like LuxCore?

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yes you will just need to change the material

purchased. congratulation. could be time to take some days off.)
The Biomes are great! Nice variations.

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Thanks for your response, BD3D. I have 2 more questions.

  1. Does the camera clipping work with multiple cameras? I mean does it adjust automatically with each camera?

  2. Can you add children to the particle setup? I found using particles makes file size big quickly but using children can reduce the impact. Not ideal but for small objects like grass, it works ok.

I’ve been using itoo forest in 3dsmax for a long time, and now I’m trying to get familiar with your scatter add-on for blender which is really great btw.
Can you tell me how to distribute elements evenly, i.e. in rows x / y ?
(item next to item with posibillity to set the x/y distance between objects / or simply the density)
There is the “array face” preset which looks like even distribution but this preset depends on the base plane polygons.
Thanks in advance

yes but not automatically, youll need to remove then reclip

Can you add children to the particle setup? I found using particles makes file size big quickly but using children can reduce the impact. Not ideal but for small objects like grass, it works ok.

yes but it’s hidden, as i think that children is a bad idea
you just need to change the parameters manually within the native particle editor and a new children tab will be avaible in scatter

I’ve been using itoo forest in 3dsmax for a long time, and now I’m trying to get familiar with your scatter add-on for blender which is really great btw.

thanks you ! good luck with your transition, Scatter is not at the same level of forest pack by the way (not possible do code within blender, as max and blender have different mentalities over this kind behavior, you let me know if you’d like to hear more)

Can you tell me how to distribute elements evenly, i.e. in rows x / y ?

you can use a custom texture for that, i think there’s 3 textures avaible for setting particles into rows

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@BD3D I am wondering what will happen to scatter after node based particle system?

Will it stay the same? Will old particle system still be supported in blender?

or maybe scatter can be more advance after implantation of node based particle system.


That is exactly my question also. I love the addon (tested it a few weeks ago and followed the development here and on twitter) and would buy it in an instant if I know I can use it in new blender versions where the old particle code is gone. So far, awesome job Dorian. Can’t wait to get started! :slight_smile:

There’s your response in the FAQ please look at the answers :slight_smile:

Basically no, particle node is for motion design, explosion, fireworks, vfx… ect… Particle hair is what is used for scattering.

I really don’t think that particles node will be used for scattering, it was not designed for scattering in mind and that make me really not optimistic over the future of scattering in blender.

The foundation just don’t understand how much scattering is important and prefer put ressources into motion graphics. (maybe i’m wrong ? please prove me wrong…)


will biomes increase blender file size? are you appending biomes ?

biomes models are incredibly low poly and memory optimized. don’t worry about that

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I am wondering if you have any plans to incorporate the particle instance modifier to allow things like “create along path” as to allow for wind dynamics (and other dynamics) in animation? Or maybe there is a way to accomplish this with a particle system itself and someone can enlighten me…

sorry didn’t get your question

Maybe I have a fundamental misunderstanding of the particle system. My understanding is that you cannot get particle geometry to follow hair paths UNLESS you use the particle instance modifier on an object and point it to the particle system.

But - I think Graswald has something working under the hood that circumvents this somehow? Basically I just want full particle dynamics on particle geometry that works with Blender force fields.

sorry, my knowledge of animation is really basic, but scatter use native blender particle hair system, so anything is possible

you may want to ask this on the stack exchange ? :slight_smile:

Well to put it in still terms - you might still want particles to follow hair paths for grooming or just to appear to be affected by wind for a still?

I think this is a Blender limitation but I am hoping you can extend your scope or find out what tricks Graswald did to automate some things and make particles follow hair paths. I think it would be a very attractive selling point in the future as it is a logical extension of how you would want to art direct particles even for stills.

OR maybe I am missing something and someone can tell me how stupid I am…


I bought it today. Biomes are working perfect!

I upload a super quick test. Rendered by E-cylces

Super nice,

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I did some digging on the Graswald thread and found they actually aren’t bending the particles either when using force fields:

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nice result !