Geometry Nodes

How do you reproduce UV offset when replacing Array modifier with Instance on Point geometry nodes?

You can use the index * a multiplier and add it to the uv


Is light linking possible with geometry nodes?

No. Geometry nodes are modifying geometry or providing geometry attributes.
Using those attributes for light linking is still implying that Cycles or EEVEE are able to do light linking.
Cycles and EEVEE are not supporting light linking. Geometry nodes can not do anything against that.

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Thanks for the info. Kinda suspected that but wasn’t sure.


Why can’t I use a random value to set the vert count of Mesh Circle?

I need a random integer from 3 to 5 with a seed that I can change on every repeated use of the node network.

Will we ever be able to see a proper bounding box and get Dimensions value in the sidebar for Geometry Nodes based objects?

I have a node network that can make a slightly randomized four-leaf-clover…

…but for each object I have to manually input a different seed value to get it to be different.
Is there any way to truly randomize the seed value?

I have another node network that scatters points on a plane and then uses the four-leaf-clover network to instance plants all over the plane. Every plant is identical. Using the Random Value node to provide the seed seems to give the same seed to every instance.

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This dude is talented. Just leaving this here as inspiration for myself as I embark on Blender geometry nodes :slight_smile:


Same problem brothermechanic faced earlier.

In your case:
The RandomValue-node outputs a field, not a single value. Note the diamond shape of the socket, compared to the round shape of that on the MeshCircle-node.

From the docs:

But you can input a (fake) static ID into the RandomValue-node, so it outputs a single random value instead, like so:

greetings, Kologe


Why can’t I use a random value to set the vert count of Mesh Circle?

I suppose that’s mainly because as @Kologe had pointed out, the round-shaped socket of the Mesh Circle node indicates that it can only receive a single value, not a field value as you’d normally see in the diamond-shaped socket. If you want to have the ability to generate polygons using the Mesh (or Curve) Circle node with a random number of points for each one, besides @Kologe’s suggestion, it can also be done with this method of using Duplicate Elements + Resample Curves node


Do you know a way to have something like mesh booleans but with points?
I’d like to create a grid of point on a surface and then instance meshes only on points that are positioned inside the surface boundaries.

This might help

points_inside_volume.blend (123.8 KB)


How would you export / output a Geometry Nodes network GIVEN INDEX Face / Point OUTSIDE so it can be tracked by an outside Empty object, so it could be exported into After Effects?

@higgsas #geometry-nodes #after-effects

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Thank you, I’ll try your suggestion

Just a heads up, you don’t need to plug in position into the raycast and the dot product, any vector would work as long as they are the same. You can just type in something like (0,0,1)

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Thank you, I’ve tried the nodes suggested by @higgsas but it doesn’t work.
Probably as I’m using the base geometry mesh where I’ve attached the geomNode network.

Anyway, trying as you suggested worked fine, saving nodes, that is always more than welcome :slight_smile:

Thank you guys


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In simple cases yes you can just use 0.0.1 normal but with more complex geometry that have overhangs it’s not gonna work

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You have to ask yourself- random value based on what? This “what” is plugged into the ID socket. By default it’s something similar to the index node- which doesn’t really make sense in your case. But as @Kologe pointed out, it works fine if you change this “what” to something constant

@higgsas why have you removed the dot product?

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Oh sorry you meant have ray direction and dot product have same value without needing position vector, yea it’s works too


Thanks @aabrany