Geometry Nodes

wow… was fast… great time saver.

Thank you @zeroskilz :slight_smile:


Thanks, it worked well! Looks like the secret sauce was the field at index node.

Here is node group for triplanar coordinates
triplanar_coordinates.blend (155.1 KB)


amazing… thks :slight_smile:

edit: maybe you can add new mapping nodegroups for your already great collection…

like 3dsmax > uvwmap modifier (box, sphere, cylinder, planar, realworld size)
and uvmap align options like bounding box aligned, oriented bounding box aligned, view aligned etc… :grinning:


Yeah I will look in to for more uv maps to add to my presets


Lots of the time the simple answers are the best. Yes of course that works thank you!

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Anyone ?

Don’t think many ppl here have much experience with AFX (could be wrong), so I will attempt to see if I understand your question (cos I don’t think I do, so sorry if I completely miss the mark in interpreting your question):

Are you looking for the following?

Given some geometry-node setup, you would like to provide an index, and then you want a Empty to “track” whatever is associated with that index (whether it be an instance, face or point)?

And, then, you need a way to export how that Empty “tracks” ?

i.e. you’re just wanting to output the “tracking” data of one Empty, and you want that Empty to track the output of some GN setup based on an index?

(Keep in mind that face-indices are different from point-indices and instance-indices, so that may affect the “general” nature of what you’re requesting.)

For my own understanding, is that what you’re asking or am I way off (as usual)?

Given some geometry-node setup, you would like to provide an index, and then you want a Empty to “track” whatever is associated with that index (whether it be an instance, face or point)?

  • YES, the end result as far as the EMPTY is like the attached .blend file/image - it just uses a constraint. Keep in mind that the EMTPY must be an actual object in the scene so it can be exported out, not a “fake” object within the Geometry Nodes graph.

And, then, you need a way to export how that Empty “tracks” ?

-Not a problem, already supported (File->Export->Export to After Effects)

track.blend (774.8 KB)

Maybe you can make your original object (read: in it’s pre-geo-nodes state) consist of a single tri (such that, going into edit mode gives you that tri), and then

  1. in your geo node tree, use ‘set position’ to make it (said tri as a whole) follow whatever you need tracked
  2. vertex-parent your empty to the tri

disclaimer: I might be missing something here.

greetings, Kologe

Tried that, not really what I need.
There really should be a way to export anything that exists in the geo-nodes VIEWER outside.

Afraid I lack experience in “baking” Geometry Nodes setups, but since 3.1 there is this “Convert Attributes” feature which may point to a general solution.

Maybe someone with more experience in exporting/baking attributes can shed more light on how to maybe skip the Empty step and go straight to exporting the relevant data?

Sorry can’t help more, good luck.

Thanks anyway.
I wonder is there is anyway to simply export a given area within the geo-nodes viewer as a “copy as new driver”?

Hey , I was wondering if it’s possible to export GN attributes to alembic.
Let’s say I’ve create a mesh in GN , did some animation on it and created some attributes that animates with time. Will it be possible to export them so I can get them back in another software ?

This would work on a static mesh, but how about animation ?

:man_shrugging: Guessing that you would need to jump though some extra hoops converting from the “static” thing that you make… can be a collection of curves with as many points as your animation is long, then the local-index of each point corresponds to a position for a frame number. So it becomes a data-mapping exercise in the end and may not be what maorlavi is after… (I did mention my inexperience in doing this) :man_shrugging:

Yes ! No problem !
That was more like a general question, I had a job proposition which was about doing some procedural plant growing animation ( they looked for a houdini artist) that would be exported in alembic in another software for rendering. In the end they find someone else to do it. But even if it’s possible to do the plant growth in blender, I think exporting UV and other attributes to alembic would have been an issue. I was asking if someone had some knowledge about this …
I’m sure dev’s are aware of that situation and I think named attribute was also a way to export attributes in other formats, but I’m not sure that’s possible yet.

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I recently created a new experimental project, and thought some of you might find the file useful:
tiletools.blend (2.6 MB)

It allows you to:

  • Use a texture of any size, as long as the tiles are constant.
  • Randomize each tile based on the given index.
  • Randomize rotation of each tile. (Works best with square aspect ratios.)
  • Use a custom ID for randomization. (such as mesh islands)

Make sure to set the texture’s X and Y tile count in the node to ensure the uvs are mapped properly.

The test texture is by PamNawi on

Thanks to @higgsas for help with the UV squares group!


I gotta say, signing the nodegroup with your logo is a baller move.

Well earned.


… And now we need a .SVG importer addon to do some cool reroute graphics and stay trendy !
Well done @Charles_Weaver ! and thanks for sharing !

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I think exporting data from GN into a collection each frame - so the frame order is the collection index would be a good way to export into other engines, (it would trade ram for RAW SPEED)