“You can use the attribute proximity node on that line segment. You’ll need to isolate your point by separating it from the rest of the geometry in some way (point separate)”
This worked perfectly, thank you.
What do you mean, perpendicularly ? Perpendicularly to what ?
Sorry about that. English is not my first language and sometimes I have difficulties expressing myself. The image below illustrates what I am trying to say: if the point “P” is between the endpoints of the segment (“S1” and “S2”), then the distance to the segment is the length of the segment “d” that goes from “P” to the segment “S” and hits it perpendicularly, as shown.
I have a quick question. I have a plant that I’m making using geometry nodes, and the point distribute node on it has a seed value. I then instance these plants onto a plane. Is there a way to get the seed value to be different for each point?
I like to make like 10 random float nodes, run the output into the seed of the next, and then feed a different one into each of my seeds. You can then use the seed of the first one.
Make sure to set them to a high maximum, because floats are rounded when converted to integers. You want a large range of seeds.
Edit: I looked again and realized what you mean. To do this, make a collection, make a bunch of plants with different seeds and instance the collection. When I am instancing then anyway, and the location does not matter, I like to use the relative distance between it and an empty. Then you can just duplicate them and automatically have a different seed.
Try MagicaCSG, is unmatched about usability and creation speed.
Your Blender video shows how it is a shore to create and modify simple primitives, and the resolution is really bad to stay usable in Blender without lag.
Just try MagicaCSG.
You create, duplicate, modify primitives in some clicks, resolution is lot better and all stays fast.
Interface is simple, clear and made to be maximum efficient.
Haha it was just a joke, I have used MagicaCSG and know its power. The demo is also a proof of concept what you can do with the current implementation of Geometry nodes. I will release the .blend soon after ironing out some inefficiecies.