I’m getting these giant white squares in my render for some reason. It shows up completely randomly and if I re render the frame there’s a 90 percent chance it’ll go away. Before the glare nodes it’s just plane white squares.
I’ve tried everything I can think of. Reducing and increasing the samples, raising the shadow light threshold, moving the camera and adjusting the lights. Nothing works.
I’m using blender 2.91 eevee and I have an rtx 2060.
Interesting. There’s no volume inside the room but the clouds outside the windows are volumetric. Some people said it could be because of bloom too, maybe bloom interacting with the volumes? Also might be connected to rtx 20 graphics cards.
I updated my gpu drivers, changed the volume pixel size and disabled bloom. I’ll see if that works.
It worked! Not sure if it was the volume pixel size or the bloom. I’ll turn the pixel size back down and see if it still works.
Edit: after some more experimenting, it’s definitely the volume tile size. I changed it back to two pixels and the artifacts came back, but if I set it to four pixels they go away.
Just thought I’d throw in my 2 cents here. Had a heck of a time (with some CAD renderings) to get rid of the white Macro Blocking type errors. I tried 2.92, and Beta 2.93 and no dice. For some reason I thought, I’d try Alpha 3.0.0 and it had NO problems with video or still renderings. Also it was SUPER fast in A3.0.0.