Gibson Les Paul

Hello fellas!!!
This time I’ll try something different of car. Gibson Les Paul is my favorite guitar ever!!! :eyebrowlift:
I have to little reference pics…so I don’t know if it’s near to the real one. My biggest problem is to find a side view pic…

So, this is what I got until now ( C&C are welcome )

I think that it looks very nice, with good attention to detail.

I presume that you are intending this model basically as a showpiece for still-life frames (the Gallery, perhaps?), or to use in very close-up shots in an animation. When you are doing close-ups or still-lifes, you need this kind of detail. But when the “axe” is gyrating in the hands of your favorite virtual actor, excessive geometry can slow you down a lot.

I always had the impression that the Gibson Les Paul had a curved front and back like a violin … So I went to their site and some models do and some don’t it seems … some of the pictures weren’t very clear about that . It’s just my personal preference is for the curved bellies . Second favorite to the Gretsch (sp?) for me . Still very nice work .

Hi ART [Pendragon] !
First of all very nice and detailed model. I don’t know what model model of les paul you are modeling, but i think every gibson les paul model have curved top. some models more ( lp custom, standard) and some less (lp studio). When I was modeling les paul I found very nice blueprint of classic les paul model. here it is :

In the side view you can see how is top of the body curved.
I’m lookig forward to see this model done.


Nice modelling…i like the close up details…

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Thanks sundialsvc4 and ecgilboy for the comment

Vertex Pusher: Yep, I also had this impression, principally when I saw some reflections in the body…but I didn’t had any side view pic to use as reference…until now(thanks jaha :eyebrowlift:)

Jaha: dude u saved my life!!! :slight_smile: Thanks for the blueprint!!! It’ll help a lot!!!
ps: I saw your Les Paul!!! awesome work!!!


Hello, fellas…
The body is almost finished…I used the blueprint that jaha gave to me to make the top o the body curved…

Just a Test render…C&C are welcome :slight_smile:

Nice test render ! Did you UV map or is that procedural ?

Thanks!!! :smiley:
I UV map the whole body…
soon I’ll post some updates

Can you do a Smartwood as well?

No problem!!! :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe I make a Zakk Wylde Bullseye too!!! :wink:

UPDATES!!! Fingerboard and Headstock; C&C are Welcome :smiley:

nice work there

The materials are spot on.

It’s an incredibly nice model, but the render really doesn’t do it justice.

The colours are burnt out and that gives an unrealistic look, as well as hiding the detail. You need an environment for all of the shiny reflections, the metal should be a lovely chrome colour for this. At the moment it looks like shiny plastic, and the shiny plastic looks like a block colour.

I’d love to see this done with a lacquer style body, proper metals (in something that can render nk metals), and on a stand. Indigo would be a great choice (I know I always suggest it) if this is for a still.

When you do some proper renders, consider doing some cool perspective shots from close to the bridge, the detail is there so show it off!

That’s a great guitar model ART! Very nice attention to detail.

Thanks Howitzer, vliegtuig and Ian30 :yes:

Thanks IanC…I intend to render using a HDRI …I didn’t use until now because it increase a lot the render time …and I’ll work more on my material!! :eyebrowlift:

I’d like to use Indigo, but unfortunately I have too little RAM to use it :frowning:

Yeah!!! I’ll certainty make some renders on these perspectives…:yes:

Now, just an little update…I add the Knobs…


this is really excellent. 5 stars. looking forward to more on this. materials look great. will you keep it looking shiny and new? or give it a worn/weathered look? i did a guitar when i was first learning blender, now seeing the really nice details in your les paul model has made me want to re-visit my old blend. thanks for the inspiration :slight_smile:

I’d like to use Indigo, but unfortunately I have too little RAM to use it

Really? How much do you have? If you get down to a final render I might be able to help you out. I’m sure there are others that would do too.

Thanks!!! I’m very glad that my work inspires you :smiley:
And I’m thinking to give a weathered look to my guitar…I’m not sure if I can do something good, but I’ll try

I have only 512mb…:frowning:

Thanks IanC :)…I don’t know if I’ll use Indigo, but If I use, I’m sure I’ll need help :smiley:

All the details and modeling are excellent .
Though I do agree with IanC that on the shiny materials could definitely do with an environment map . I know you could do a HDRI render with Yafray but I seem to recall a post I came across here while ago doing a search of a post where someone was using the internal renderer and using a HDRI file converted into a .TIFF format and using that as the world texture in rendering … The results looked pretty good, though not as good a a true HDRI rendering . You might want to look that up but it was a post from around 2004 or so … but think of how cutting edge your 512mb memory is compared to back then !